Monday, January 21, 2008

Physical over, such fun

Dear Friends and Family,
Step two of the medical process was taken today. Jim Edwards, MD did a very complete physical and found nothing profoundly wrong. There are other tests he wants done just to be careful and sure and more xrays to see why I'm often out of breath and have some chest pains. I think Jim did a great job for me. I ventured out this morning to see a property in Clayton and found a wonderful woman who lost her husband to a heart attack very young. She has made a good life for herself and has a very nice place with a huge pool and large lot. After I left her neighborhood I drove to Olive Garden for a lunch of salad, soup and eggplant parm. Great eating and so tasty. Then to the doctor's office where I arrived early. After the exam I did another house out in the country in Knightsen, shot the comps for that one until dark and then exchanged files with my writer Jean in Brentwood, got meds at Longs and came home. I decided on a grilled cheese sandwich this evening with tomatoes, skimmed milk and salad. Then I dealt with a job I've been putting off, seems the puppies do not like to go outside when it is rainy to do their thing and the floors needed some moping up. Fed the fish before I forgot for the evening and then landed here at the desk to deal with today's requests, check emails and chuckle at some of the things that have been sent. I was very delighted to hear from Sharon. Turns out I had an incorrect email address for her so all the things I've been forwarding did not make it to her. Now she can read the blog again and we can email back and forth, nice!
Today has been lousy in the weather department. It sprinkled on us as we were walking this morning, then down right rained when I was driving to Clayton, held off while I was measuring but then rained more again.
I had a very special moment this morning. As I drove to Clayton I had to cross over Walnut Ave. As I approached the stoplight it turned yellow, I never know whether to trust the brakes or just punch it. I punched it and as I passed through the interchange I noted a CHP care first in line on the left. Well he turned his lights on and I pulled over to wait for him. He came up and talked to me, asking me what was happening, I told him that I was in my wife's car but she was no longer with us and that I could not find papers for him in the glove box. He went away and then came back and ask if I wanted a warming or a ticket, well I chose the warning and he talked to me about planning further ahead when I was driving and with that was gone. He mentioned in passing that the ticket for a run red light was over $300. I was shaken but so grateful for his kindness. Blood pressure at that moment was probably not too good.
Well its time to do some work yet this evening. House is very still, cold and impersonal. That is just the way it is now. Until you experience it you won't have a clue, not the same as when your lover goes for a trip for a week and is coming back, not the same as when they are out shopping, this is for good, its different and very sobering. One wonders what is to come with the markets falling, rates raising, foreclosures increasing, values dropping.
I had a call from Dana and it was so exciting. She was full of plans for their coming out this summer to enjoy San Francisco, Tahoe, Reno and our own lake. It will be so nice to have the house alive with activity and voices again. Hopefully Jan can come, Marilyn can come and of course Sharon but I think Sharon is still catching up from all the trips she has made out here which took her away from work.
Well my friends, good night from my place to yours,




Wes said...


I wrote yesterday. It was my best yet, great advise, super humor and insightful stuff. Only one problem. I can't remember what I wrote so I'll just make up some new stuff.

I was talking to Sylvia the other day and she has this book called, " the idoits guide to surviving widowhood", or some such title. She said that one of the chapters suggested that when you have a bad day you should call up one of your friends and ask for assistance.

Tim if you have one of those days I found a number you can call. 209-836-0234 I'M YOUR FRIEND they will provide you with a meal and a sleepover if needed. Be sure to copy down this number or put it in your cell phone.

Your might go to and see if they have a book that might have some helpful info for you or maybe one of your legion of friends might have a suggestion.

Tim goes to the doctor for an exam:

Doctor: Tim, your fat.
Tim: I'd like a second opinion.
Doctor: Your ugly too!

....Tim went out to eat right after his exam.


ps my glass house still has a few panes if you have any bricks left

Carol and Roger said...

Good Morning (and welcome back, Wes!)

We still have snow here in NC. It has been VERY cold! Yesterday a.m. as I left for the "Y" it was 10 degrees ~ Brrrrrrrrr!!!! Somehow it didn't seem logical to be going swimming at that temperature. The water was warm though and the exercise worth it.

Good news from your Dr. ~ nothing obviously wrong. As you probably already know ~ the winded part could be from carrying along excess baggage. I know this from experience. As you continue to walk it WILL become easier. Good for you for keeping it up.

Another idea for reducing the stress level. Try crating the dogs when you are not able to be sure they go out when the need arises. Look around and and get rid of the things that causes you stress. I've been working on that one myself. Well, I think I'll hang on to Roger. There are different kinds of stress we can get rid of.... It feels good to get rid of stuff. It's just stuff!

My prayer for you today is for peace, more checks in the mail, good health, NO poop to clean up, and direction for your life.

We love you ~ Carol

Anonymous said...

Hi Tim,

Glad that the Dr visit went well and that You escaped a Traffic Ticket! Those can be very costly in more ways than just the initial fine.

I'm waiting on an Insurance adjuster this morning. He wants to take pictures of the Fence and Roof repairs. I told Him that the Contractors are finished and have been paid. Now I guess We will see if He will pay Me back some of the money that I paid out!

Sure is a drab,wet & cold Day. I'm ready for some serious Sunshine and warmer temp's

Have a good Day and Drive with CARE!!

Good to have Wes back on line again.
Pork Roast at the Senior Center today so I guess We will be eating My cooking at Home for Lunch. Leftovers are gone so time to make something from scratch again or resort to tha freezer for something Quick!

Love You,

Bob & Carrol.