Thursday, January 17, 2008

Jason has great news!

Dear Family and Friends,
Good evening to all, left around 7 this morning, inspected 4 properties including one in Chowchilla and three in Hanford and then drove home. There was about 400 miles of driving involved I think with no serious incidents. I did discover at the first home that I had left the research in the printer at the office. Loree was an angel and faxed all 24 pages to a title company in Hanford saving the day for all.
Highlights of the day included meeting very very nice homeowners, getting chewed out by the collection agency from AMEX due to their own mistake, having lunch at a "locals" place with outstanding whole bean burrito, lettuce, tomato and rice, hearing the wonderful news that Jason has been hired as an English Teacher for the next school year. Nan would have been so happy to hear the news as she longed for him to get to do what he really wanted, teach English. I am so proud of him and rejoice with he and Jo over the news. Thank you to the board who hired him and to Tim, the principal, who helped it happen.
I so enjoyed reading the emails to the blog this evening and I really appreciate the advice and offers of assistance as I work my way through these financial matters. Once again today the mail contained no funds but this time I know some are coming.
This evening I detoured into Tracy and following Sylvia's directions found Fern at New Hope. She was as cheery as ever and is looking forward to being on her feet again. She took a bad fall and fractured her hip. What a picture of faith and courage she is.
After leaving Fern I raced to the motorhome storage area which shuts down at 9 pm. I managed to get in, start the coach, get it outside the gate before 9. I am looking forward to driving to Jason and Jo's tomorrow during the day for some happy times with family. At some point in the weekend Nikki and Keanna will join us for even happier times, hopefully Steve can come too but he is so busy these days, working every job he can to create funds. What a resourceful guy he is.
It was very meaningful to get out and meet the homeowners again today. One was having huge problems with getting disability from Social Security and we were able to share some ideas which might help her get satisfaction. Another lady had lost her husband about 6 months ago and was learning to cope in much the same manner as I am. Another lady revealed she has cancer and was given a year to live 4 years ago. We were able to have a good sharing time. For me meeting homeowners is more than just saying hi, now get out of the way and let me to the appraisal and I'm gone, no I enjoy talking with the people and listening to the stories about what they have done to their homes and the happiness the homes have brought.
Once again the GPS proved to be a mighty tool in finding the comps. What a blessing to know when I headed home that I only had 188 miles to go. I thank the good Lord for a safe day and one more day without the car breaking down.
Next week is on my mind. On Monday I have a physical with Dr. Jim, on Tuesday I have the sedation and root canal completion and then can't drive for 24 hours. Already appointments are looming up and it will be late in the week before I can be up and going full speed. I've not faced something like the dental stuff alone before and I've got reservations inside.

How beautiful it must be at Roger and Carol's place with all the snow. They have this wonderful wood stove that heats the whole house and I'll bet it is burning brightly tonight.

So now I must part company with you, I'm going to bed and Starr and Lady are ready, falling asleep at my feet as I write.

Thanks for your encouragement and the emails that come beside the ones sent to the blog. I'm still concerned about Wes. Perhaps a search party is in order!




Anonymous said...


Still can't leave blog messages... hope this one works. Or did it go to you directly as it asks for an e-mail other than mine.

Anonymous said...

Hi Tim,

Glad that Your day of long driving was a safe one. I'm sure that You will have a good weekend with Your Family at Monterey Bay.

By the way We found out that We are four blocks south of the Flood Plane Line so for now We have escaped the High Insurance Mandate. What a relief that is. I feel for those 100's of Home Owners that are Just to the North of Us . Some of them are just barely holding on to their Homes now and that Insurance payment will mean having to give up their Homes.

Have a Good Weekend and Safe Trip to Jason's Place.

Love You,

Bob & Carrol.

Anonymous said...

Hi Tim,

Our snow is melting, but we still have about 3" on the roof tops. Tonight more is forecast. It is pretty and it hasn't been a problem at all.

Glad you got home safely from your day of driving. Some of those payments should be coming in before long. Most people are paid for their work. I assume you have told them that you expect payment for the appraisal?

Connie, I was doing the same thing you are until I figured it out... DON'T click on the little envelope! Click on the word "comments". It works great. Simple once you figure it out.

We're happy for Jason. Give them our best wishes for his new job. I know you will enjoy your week end with your little namesake ~ Jason and Jo too.

Take care of yourself and Starr and Lady. They do help to keep the temperature of the bed warmer. So, be good to them.

Love ~ Carol

Carol and Roger said...

Dear Tim,