Sunday, January 27, 2008

Raining again, life sloshes on...

Good evening Dear Family and Friends,
Its 9 pm and I'm thinking of the nice moments of this weekend. A safe trip home through the weather on Friday night, a pleasant walk on Sabbath Morning, a chance to worship and see friends at church, a nice lunch with a long time friend, a pleasant evening shopping for food and then coming home and eating it, another walk this morning with really decent weather, then a trip to Tracy to deliver some cheer, a walker and a box of Hawaii candy to Fern. What an inspiration she is, broken hip and all and still happy, alert and positive. Then back to a nice breakfast with the oak meal staying in the bowel this time, dark wheat toast from Emily's kitchen, banana from who knows where (Costco), then a nice nap in the recliner with a fire burning and a dog jammed beside me, calls from friends and family including my brother Jerry who had been up all night. I don't know how he does it and he is older than I am by a lot, 10 years. Then office work, set up orders, wade through paperwork, fix dinner and then back to the office. Let me tell you I am with it for sure, I waited all day for the super bowl to come on, then Nikki broke the news to me, its next week.
Sharon called this evening and had been wrestling with some sadness over memories of Nan and their fun times. Oh how I identify with that sentiment. I love to get to talk to Sharon, there is something very special about that lady, a heart touched by Jesus I think.
An email came in from a family in Boston, they had a young person in their family in ICU at the same time as Nan was in. Amy had a terrible car accident and was not expected to live, but she did and is gradually getting better but what an ordeal she has been through. The family had not heard that Nan had died so I shared our sad news. We emailed back and forth several times, turns out her new job will bring her to Vacaville and San Francisco this spring and she would like to meet, that will be so much fun, she is a delightful lady and our families shared a lot of heartache and stress together in that waiting room near the ICU.
So the wheels of life keep moving, I'm gradually becoming more comfortable in the kitchen and as I do so I keep finding things I like to eat. I need to eat less not more. I think I have a weeks worth of work ahead for the coming days and I need to make many medical appointments too.
You know I really appreciate your keeping me in the loop of your lives. Like hearing from Bob about his fence, his adventures at the casino, Carrol's' next important appointment. About the snow in N. Carolina and the family gathering around a dad who is 93 and still going strong. About Wes who always has something interesting to say and gives courage to me.
This evening its nice to be inside in spite of no furnace as I can hear the rain increasing in volume and intensity outside. I've got the heating blanket which goes under the sheets working on the bed and that takes off the chill. The dogs add a lot of heat with their little bodies, a tiny heater on a timer takes the chill off the bathroom. All in all, not bad really.
Can we make this a good week in spite of the weather, Sharon says they have had 30 to 40 degree weather for days, I never realized that Texas could also get cold and nasty as well as hot and nasty. Yet as I visit homes I see the beginning evidence of spring flowers peeking through and I know life will get better.
Tonight I send my love to each and every one of you and I thank you for your prayers and thoughtfulness in so many ways. You do make a difference.



1 comment:

Wes said...

Does anyone know what time it is? Yes, lyrics from a song that our friend Tim has rewritten to read: Does anyone know what week it is? If so please call Tim if you know! Can you believe it? A guy that has to check with his daughter to see when the football game is on. Shesh

Oh, by the way operating the toaster does not qualify you to gain the title, getting to know my way around the kitchen. Get real mister, maybe we can talk after you quit making oatmeal bombs but until then don't even think about it.

Best be git'in your waders out boy. We are in for another pack-o-wet. Try to keep the sunny side up. A busted backside would not be a welcome addition to your activities.
