Tuesday, July 14, 2009

And then they all flew away

Dear Family and Friends,
This morning Dana, Anthony and Jonathan flew home on Southwest and in spite of the spate of unscheduled landings from the last 2 days their flight was uneventful. Dana called from the Taxi as they were being driven home.
What a great time it was to have so much life and joy in the house. My frig is stuffed, my schedule is in shambles so now its time to get back to work and generate some income.
Dana made a very nice thing happen for Lady, my Scottish Terrier. She took her for shots on sunday and today she had arranged for me to take her to the groomers at PetsMart at 7 am. I could not believe I had to make the trip. This afternoon when Keanna and I picked her up she was so happy and beautiful. She not only had a good bath but was groomed to look like a Scottie again and she looks great. I think she can tell that something is different. I know Starr was not sure who was coming through the door when we got home.
Its been very hot here, we get days like this and the AC is cranking away both in the window and outside. These are the days of $600 a month PG&E bills. That will hurt.
When I left for the airport this morning I had no orders and by the time I arrived back home I had 3 orders waiting. They are spread all over, San Jose, Monterey and Patterson but I'm glad to have the work.
Right now I'm so tired that I'm heading to bed and will rise early in the morning to begin work again.
Its so quiet tonight, not good at all, miss the happy sounds of family but it could not last forever.



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