Tuesday, July 21, 2009

sitting still, creating appraisal masterpieces!

Well one can hope at least. Ken and I walked this morning in the cool morning air and by the time I was home I was starting to fade. I had my breakfast and shower and then did a local appraisal, came home, prepared a deposit slip and headed to the bank to make a much needed deposit. Then back home to work. All morning I just kept nodding off and I wasted several hours in less than full production. Finally I woke and wrote two appraisals, the one I had seen this morning and and the one from last night in Patterson. Then I started work on a review of an appraisal in the south bay. I've been thinking about how to respond for several days and now I'm working on it. Poor reviewers get a black and white poor quality copy of the appraisal, sometimes not even all the pages and then they are supposed to decide in a few minutes if it is accurate or not. Well I think they should have done a bit more work on their end before lowering the boom on my report. Having just gotten word that the response to the review for Bethel Island was accepted and the value restored I'm getting more courage.
Just a little update on Direct TV. For some reason I called them again today and was amazed at the totally different answer. The lady said, of course we can put it on hold for several months, we do it all the time, a totally different answer than the lady yesterday. Same company, 180 degree different answer. So I put the extra receiver on hold for a few months. Nice to win.
Right now I'm heading to bed. I'm sort of tired of sitting here in this chair, dogs are resting at my feet like they have all day and I think the super heated air outside is finally cooling down.

Life is good, rough and tough but good and I'm thankful for many things, people, experiences.



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