Saturday, July 18, 2009

VBS excitement

Dear Family and Friends,
Well I'm getting back into the groove again. Walked with Ken this morning and it actually seemed like work, not fun. Then I spent time with the Christian Dish programing and watched Dwight Nelson from Andrews University. I had my traditional oatmeal breakfast, showered and picked her highness. She was ready to go. Church was a little different. VBS children had taken over the church service and Pastor Jessica gave her talk in the midst of kids, music, decorations and controlled chaos. At noon Keanna indicated she wanted to head home so we left by way of the lemonade corner.
I drove directly to Stockton to meet up with Bob Sorenson at the Olive Garden, yes I know I had Olive Garden last night too and on Tuesday, so who is counting? Bob and I were able to catch up on each others lives and he showed me his new wheels, he buys slightly used cars from Hertz and this time he got a beauty. A Mazda 5 with nearly everything on it for a steal of a price. Bob is smart in finances. Carol is away on a mini holiday with her sisters up in Fort Brag so Bob was left to his own devising.
After lunch I drove home and fell into a deep sleep, I didn't get up until 6:30 and felt rested. The dogs enjoyed the chance to nap with someone and with Lady so pretty now in her new clip, she is fun to have near.
Finally today a check I have expected since Tuesday arrived. I had hoped for several but I'll take one and be very thankful for it.

Tomorrow will be a work day but I'm not sure at this point whether that means driving to Castroville or not, depends on access. Otherwise I'll stay right here and work.

I'm always thankful for the Sabbath, to me its not a duty I perform by stopping work for these 24 hours but a welcome change of pace as I'm more prone to remember how much God loves us and to enjoy the family and friends He has provided.

So good night my friends,


1 comment:

Bob and Carrol said...

Good Morning Tim,

It was so good to Visit with You at the Garden for Lunch after Cgurch . Great Place to enjoy good food & fellowship with friends.

I came home after a stop at CostCo for Gas,$2.65, then did some work on My latest Puzzel Prodject, finally gave in to a good nap and about 6:30 made some Supper for One then enjoyed 3 hours of Classic Car Auctions from DesMoines IA. on the Speed Channel.

I'm anxious for Carrol to return Home from Her Vacation time with Her Sisters at Fort Bragg. This Bachelor Stuff is not much fun after a few days. She will be Home Tuesday Morning.

Wed We will try the New Mazda5 to Jackson for Triple Point Day and a Free Lunch Buffet that they sent Us that expires on the 31st. Hope things cool off a bit by then, I do not likr it so HOT !!

My Sister Pat wrote Yesterday about8:30. They are staying in a Motel as their AC has failed and their House is over 95. The Temp there has been 110/118 for 5 days steady,too hot for Me. The AC Man is supposed to get to them by Monday AM.

Have a good week,

Love You.
