Friday, July 17, 2009

Hello weekend!

Dear Family and Friends,

After several days of severe challenges the weekend has arrived. Primary amount this weeks challenges is the lack of checks in the mail. Every day the business account balance dropped and the need for income elevated. But nothing happened income wise. Its been a rough week in that regard. On Tuesday I watched Dana and the boys enter the airport for their return trip to Houston. What a big splash of joy they brought with them, I enjoyed every minute of it, noises, TV playing, water running, showers running, food smells, shopping bags, fishing poles, paddle boat rides, Tahoe excursion. Wow it just was over too soon.

This week I discovered that my weight had risen to its highest point ever. That spurred me into action and I've been hitting the salads, not eating at night, drinking a lot more water and being much more careful. So far I've dropped 3 lbs. Its the right direction but there are about 97 more pounds to go.

Today I've taken it real easy on eating since I knew I was to have dinner with Nikki and Kallie in Tracy while Keanna was at VBS. For the first time in a long time I was very hungry when we met up at Olive Garden and the food tasted great even though it was my second salad of the day, why not I love the stuff. At lunch today I went out and picked cherry tomatoes, brought them in, put them in my salad, talk about great tasting!

Today has been sit in the chair and work. I dealt with about 3 sets of conditions for past appraisals, wrote a new appraisal for San Jose that I saw last night and then waded into doing a rebuttal on one of the worst reviews I have ever seen. It took about 4 hours to respond to all the questions they had raised. Then it was time to set up orders for next week, do research and shut the office down.
This evening I met Nikki in Tracy for dinner and now I'm back home. At the moment I'm on the phone with Jason who is manning the gate at MBA during camp meeting. A nice way to make some extra bucks.
For now I'm heading to bed, the day is long, the nights are too short.
I have much to be thankful for tonight. I know you do too.
Love to all,


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