Thursday, July 23, 2009

Carol gets good news, Marilyn is on her way, Visitors coming

Dear Family and Friends,
Today was a different kind of day. It started with the alarm making its awful noise, moved forward with a chilly walk with Ken around the lake, then to the shower where the kind scales confirmed I've lost 2.5 lbs this week. This is no small accomplishment considering how I've been pretty bad a couple times with would you believe it, onion potato chips of all things. Last night was pretty awful with very little sleep, I just was not sleepy so the hours drug by. After breakfast of oatmeal and stripples I drove over to care for Kallie while Steve took care of his landscape business. What a hot day to have to wade through lawn after lawn. Miss Kallie decided that she did not want to take a nap after her play time. She made cooing noises and played with her toys for over an hour in her bed. Finally I went up and rescued her, diaper was still dry. She came down and played some more. She is so cute and she roams from the kitchen where she opens drawers and plays with tupperware, checks out the dog dish, she knows she is not to eat the food but forgets sometimes, she tries to close my laptop while I am typing and mostly just smiles and plays her games. Finally I decided that she did need her nap so I took her back up and a few minutes later Steve came home. I thought she had fallen asleep but he reports she never did nap.
As I left he provided me with dozens of wonderful tomatoes. He says no one there really likes them but he loves to grow them, oh they are good, so good.
I left and came home to regroup, invited Lois to ride along with me to do a construction inspection in south Tracy and then worked my way back home via CostCo for soy milk that lasts for a year! Then a stop at Petco for much needed dog food, then to Home Depot to pick up a few wiring items to create a dedicated plug which will provide power to Art and Connie's 5th wheel when they come to visit on Sabbath afternoon and then finally home. When I arrived home I found a single envelope in the box, yes, it was a check. That will help a lot toward the house payment.
Now I'm heading to bed.
Bob wrote to the blog today to report wonderful findings. Carols new test numbers are in and they indicate that she will NOT have to move back to chemo for a while longer. She is our miracle girl and we love her so much. I know Bob is very very happy to have her home for as much as he loves his freedom even more he loves to have Carol right there with him.
Marilyn wrote tonight that things are coming together for her and that she will most likely arrive next Monday or soon thereafter. Talk about great news. How I love guests, family, friends. I love them as much as I despise being alone. Have you ever noticed that the people who tend to go on about loving to be alone are ones that aren't alone, just an observation. Sort of like the best parenting experts are people who have not had their first child yet. Being alone for a short period of time is refreshing, cleansing but once you have had the good life of being with a true caring adult for many years then being alone is just that, alone, a partial person, a partial life.
This week has had some rough spots and I just want to mention again how precious and caring my kids are, in a time when I often hear about parents and kids being estranged I treasure the advice and concern of my kids very very much. In that way I am very rich and blessed. I know you feel the same for your kids.
So now its off to bed and tonight I plan to sleep and do so until I wake naturally, no walk tomorrow, just roll out and go to work on writing rebuttals, appraisals and trying once again to find new clients.
Good night all


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