Thursday, July 2, 2009

A day in the city

Dear Family and Friends,
Today was spent in the San Francisco with Keanna, Anthony, Jonathan, Dana and Ronnie. Taking the van made the trip comfortable but the traffic did not totally cooperate especially on the way home. The group wanted to visit Chinatown and we found it easily and walked and shopped for hours. The kids loved all the little clever stuff in the many stores we visited and wanted to buy it all. After Chinatown we found pier 39 and walked out onto the pier for a minute before heading to Fisherman's Wharf. Dana and Ronnie found the seafood to eat and the rest of us found a Burger King. Finally we headed home but the traffic was very slow on the bridge and eventually we discovered three very smashed cars on the final span of the bridge. Then things sped up until we arrived in Castro Valley. There the traffic began to slow and its remained slow up to Livermore where we turned off onto Vasco Road and the final leg of our journey home. We are all tired this evening but pleased with the day. The weather was as perfect as I have ever seen in SF.
Tomorrow morning my family heads to Tahoe and Tahoe Ridge for a week. I'll venture up on Sabbath to be with them but most likely come back home that night. While I'm there I'll check out the possible parking places for the motorhome and then early next week I may go back up with the coach for a couple days of vacation depending on available work here.
One very nice message came today, Marilyn is going to come out either the 15th or 16th of July for an extended visit. This weekend is her huge birthday party celebration for her precious little grandson, its a yearly event and not to be missed.
So for a while my days of being alone are past. Since family arrived it feels so much more normal, to have people interact, laugh, joke, eat, its great and made even more memorable by the long periods of being alone over the last months. That I still have contact with this important part of my past, Nan's family, means a great deal to me. They are special people with huge hearts of love and compassion. Now if we could just get Sharon out here to join the party we would be even more fulfilled.
So for tonight I'm signing off, I was tired early in the day and after walking with Ken and then walking miles in SF well I feel good.
Love to all and have a great 4th of July weekend. This precious country of ours is worth caring about, its a special place to live and has been purchased at such a high price, the blood and lives of our soldiers who have stepped up to the battle over the history of America. We owe them everything.

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