Monday, July 27, 2009

Monday monday

Dear Family and Friends,
10:10 and Ray is watching the Batchlorette show I put on DVR earlier this evening. This morning I went to be with the kidos at 7:45. Kallie was up and charging about playing, smiling, sipping from her bottle, munching on a banana and mostly playing. Later Keanna rose and after breakfast we drove to the sitters where Kallie joined their happy day. Keanna and I came home and said goodbye to Art and Connie who were just leaving and then we headed to the park. She had brought her bike and she rode to the park, played on the monkey bars which totally scared me, rode to the other playground in the park and then back, sipping her water, munching on cheerios and a couple strawberries. Finally I peeled her away from the park and we returned home where we got her reluctant VSmile game to finally work and she played for a long time.
At noon I made her lunch and we ate. She watched a favorite movie about a fairy princess and then her mom arrived. This afternoon was meet and greet at the school and Keanna had her reservations about the whole thing. She is concerned about meeting so many new kids, her new teacher and the prospect of 1st GRADE. We talked a lot about things.
When I dropped her off I drove into Brentwood, turned in the old battery, drove to Home Depot and returned the parts I did not use for the new RV plug in and then drove back home.
Later I asked Ray and Lois if they wanted to go to Stockton with me to do a driveby appraisal and have dinner at Spaghetti Factory. Lois was not up to it but Ray went and he introduced me to a store I had never heard of, a store made in heaven with every tool and device a guy could ever want or need. It was wonderful and I just walked the isles in disbelief. Then we made a quick stop at CostCo and ended up at Spaghetti Factory to enjoy a meal of whole wheat pasta and salad. It was great.
Tomorrow is dedicated to a trip to Foresthill to do an appraisal and then drive back home. Should be a lot of fun! I am praying often that God will send orders, so far none but the week is young.

So I'm sending out good vibes to Lois for her appointment tomorrow with the expert on her knee problems and to John and Karen in Denver as John heads into surgery. They both need our prayers. How I wish I could be there in the waiting room with Karen to support her but I know she will be supported by two very wonderful young people, Jennifer and Tim.

love to all


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