Saturday, July 11, 2009

Family is great

Dear Family and Friends,

What an interesting day! It started with total quiet as the rest of the family was still sleeping. I could not stay in bed any longer because my back begins to hurt. I wandered around in the quiet, picked up a few dishes and loaded them, sipped a hot drink on the back deck watching the lake as it stirred with the new day. Once I knew Lois was up and gone to McDs for breakfast I went out and hooked up the water connection and started the boat. Its been about 9 months since it started and it stumbled a bit but ran nicely. I did that just in case the family decided they would like a nice boat ride this afternoon. When Dana came down she suggested that we have breakfast at McDonalds. I jumped at the chance to return the motorhome to its official parking place which is near the shopping center. Once that was cared for we had breakfast at McDonalds. You never quite feel like you've had a whole mean at McDonalds but the food was actually good.

Once we returned home we decided that instead of taking the power boat out today and fighting the crowds we would sweep out the paddle boat and cruise the lake. Anthony helped with removing leaves and dirt and then Dana, Anthony, Starr and Lady climbed in the boat. I boarded last and we were off. There was just a bit of wind but it was very warm and Anthony put his feet into the water, Starr barked and Lady settled in to enjoy the trip. Dana and I discovered muscles in our aging legs we've forgotten but sort of fell into a rhythm as we steered our way out to the island and then around the island. Finally we headed back home and the gentle breezes helped us on our return trip. It was great fun and I think we all enjoyed it. Meanwhile Jonathan slept on. For some reason known only to him, he stays up all night and then sleeps all day.

This afternoon Dana rooted him out of bed as we had decided to go to Olive Garden while they were here. Nikki and the girls joined us and we had a great time fighting over the bread sticks, watching Kallie feed herself, even with a spoon. Then I stayed with Nikki and the girls while Dana and the boys went to check out movies. They could not agree on one so visited the video game store and came away with some new games. I like pushing Kallie around in her little stroller, she loves to see things happen and enjoys watching people. Finally I caught a ride home with Dana who was driving the van and Keanna came home with us to play games with Anthony. Eventually the evening caught up with us and I ran Keanna home so she could have a bath and get some rest tonight.

Dana and I watch a Nicholas Cage DVD that was pretty interesting and sort of raised your heart rate in several parts. Seems his stuff is usually pretty gripping. Now Dana has surrendered to sleep, Anthony and Jonathan are enjoying watching UTube clips on the little laptop and I'm ready to crash.

I had planned to attend church today but knowing that family is here a very short time led me to think of spending time with them and I'm very glad I did. Dana is heading home on Tuesday or Wednesday as she has things to do at home before the school year begins. Next up is Marilyn who will arrive on Wednesday or Thursday. How pleasant to have human voices in the house instead of silence. What a blessing family is.

I've had a chance to think a bit about family. Over the years I've observed many many families and sometimes I've seem them drift apart, due to distance, due to selfishness, due to long held grudges, due to tiny arguments that were never settled. What a terrible loss when families cease speaking to each other. I know first hand that for years Jerry and I were both so busy with our lives and work that we hardly ever got together and I've not had the chance to spend time with my sister Sibyl for many many years. Its not like she lives in Siberia, she lives in Ohio and had a very busy life with 6 children and we were on the coast and also had busy lives. How I love those chances when I can talk to Jerry and or Sibyl. Family matters.

During this awful time of loss Jason and Nikki have been perfect in their support for me. I really could not complain about anything. Their calls, their visits, time spent has meant my loss was eased, my new life has so much more meaning than if I did not have them.

I'm saying all of this for a reason! How is it with your family? Are there a few grudges that keep you from time with your loved ones? Is it tough being with the in laws? Have you just let distance and schedules keep you apart? In an impersonal world like we all live in now, give and accept all the love you can get from family, close or distant. God loves families, He blesses them and wants them to prosper, to provide a platform for kidos to grow up on. Aunts, uncles, grandparents, nieces, cousins, in laws. Love them while you have them, nothing lasts forever except God's love.

Got the picture, do the deeds, reach out to family and feel the warmth and richness of sharing.

love to all,

PS, the sunset over the lake tonight was beautiful. I wanted to share it with you.

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