Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Echocardiogram was a success, they found a heart!

And it was beating, I know because I heard it part of the time. Of course the nice lady gave me no clue of the results but we talked a lot and she was gentle and kind. Then down the stairs to the car and to an appraisal up in Oakley, bank owned, clean, ready for a new family, half the price of 2 years ago. Then to Subway and although their special of just $5.00 for a foot long looked tempting I decided I did not need that much food so settled for my 6 inch wheat and garden burger patty. That and water, yum yum. Then to Pittsburg which was about 20 minutes away. Once arriving there I found some pretty stiff winds blowing. This house was sitting so near to the Highway it felt like cars were coming through the living room, how do people like in places like that? Yet two of the comps also backed to the Highway and were recent sales. While I was there Art called having returned from the seas. He said he preferred being on the ship to land, I don't blame him. He said they had a great time and enjoyed every minute of their time on the ship with friends.
So I headed back to Brentwood to Longs, the computer kept calling me to say my meds were ready but I knew I had not ordered any. Sandy, worlds best pharmacist explained that Longs in their wisdom had put me on an automatic refil schedule so when the computer says I need more they set it up and call me. A bit too much like big brother for me.
I had a chance to watch Keanna do her tumbling classes and a minute to catch up with busy Nikki.
Now I'm home winding it down, dogs are at my feet keeping me company and hoping I will decide to move, move to the treats that is and slip them a couple. Tomorrow at 9:30 I get the radioactive stuff and then a few hours later do the stress test. I was greeted today by someone telling me my part of tomorrow's tests would be $1,000 since I had a deductible. I was a bit shocked and questioned her a bit. She said she would call Blue Cross for more info. Later she told me I had met the $1,000 deductible already, duh! and was nearly to the $5,000 deductible level so my out of pocket expenses for tomorrow would be $200 to $300. That felt better. Then I was going through the mail at home to discovery my part of the colonoscopy is only $1,400 and some change. Wow all that excitement and I get to pay, the total hospital bill was over $6,500. And somehow the nit wit people running for office think that they can cover 45 million more people yet maintain the quality of care we have now and it will cost us less! I doubt it very much. I expect less quality, higher taxes, longer waiting times and a mess to deal with. And that will be on a good day. That's just me and I've had a bit of experience with health care and most of it has been excellent care with compassion and good attention to difficult detail.
I am thankful to be alive, I dread yet anticipate tomorrow's experience. I know from bitter experience that when faced with medical decisions you just have to walk right through them, no way around, no skirting them, just face them and take it.
Thanks so much for the kind thoughts from so many today about tomorrow's tests. I do appreciate your prayers and good thoughts.
Flash: While I was writing Art called. He is resting up from delicious meals aboard ship at their home in Indio somewhere in the desert near Palm Springs. It was good to catch up on his happy adventures.
Good evening my friends, take care of yourselves and value the presence of your loved one with you.



1 comment:

Deborah W said...

Ahhh, we all know you've got a heart! The question is what shape is it in? I'm expecting you'll find it's far, far stronger than you thought. Thank you for the wisdom at the end of your post: " . . value the presence of your loved one." My hubby and I are both semi-retired; I have my own little business and work at home. He's in the process of looking for rewarding part-time work. We both quit full-time, high-stress, high-tech jobs last fall to live the second half of our lives more quietly and simply. To make this long story short, he and I are together a lot these days and it's so easy to take his presence for granted! He just brought me a cup of coffee. Life can't get any better than this. I just know little things like that from your loved ones around you are what you use as strength to keep going every day, as Nan would want. I read in a book today about a man who'd lost his wife 23 years ago and when questioned why he kept so many reminders of her around him he said that his "memories of her are the second best thing."

Have a wonderful day. Deborah