Monday, April 28, 2008

Making changes...

Dear Family and Friends,
Another day nearer to Kalie being born. Nikki says she is active and getting ready. This has been a complicated week for their household as carpet is to be installed on Thursday this week for the entire second story of the home and many things remain to be stored away to get ready. So tomorrow evening I'm going over to assist again, its fun for me to get to help, they have done so much for Nan and I over the past few years, fun to give a bit back.
On Wednesday Keanna turns 5, it seems impossible but she is a growing little girl and is such a hoot to be around. She communicates so well and picks up on everything going on. She is so positive in the way she plays and does things, always wrapping something up to give to someone in the family. My desk and walls are full of things she has made on her own. What a kid.
And right behind Keanna comes little charger, Timothy. Jason and Jo report he is pulling himself up to a standing position, this morning he was licking the glass of the rear sliding door, he is an amazing little guy who will be walking soon, lucky Jason and Jo.
I finally had a chance to catch up with Irene today. She is so busy helping people like usual. Her GIST appears to be under control right now but the Sutent gives her fits if she is on her feet to long. She is an amazing force for good and is busy planning a GIST walk to raise research dollars. It is set for October in a local park in San Jose. Today she found out that the required insurance premium for one day is $1,000, wow was that a shock so if anyone knows any special angles around such a huge fee she would be interested.
Dana called today and in just 5 weeks she will be winging her way here. She may bring Anthony her 6 year old grandson. That sounds like a good idea and he and Keanna can play while Nikki and the baby get rest. I can hardly wait to see Dana come off the plane. She will be able to stay a couple weeks the first part of June and then will return the latter part of July to vacation here for a couple weeks with Ronnie and hopefully John as well. Marilyn Titherington is set to come the latter part of July as well so we will have a big happy family and lots of noise and joy in the house. Can you imagine how much I look forward to all of this?
I've worked here at the office today but seemed to have gotten very little accomplished. This evening I had an inspection of a property in Stockton, an unusual one where I just inspect the subject property but do not determine a value or need comps. What I found was a delight.
I'm not often in circumstances where families live in such small apartments or units. I found the property to be alive with kids, riding their bikes, playing, hanging out. Up front there is a little house with a basement and behind are 4 units on a second floor while the first floor has garages. The 5 total units are located on a lot no larger than the one my house sits on here in Discovery Bay. The units were clean, carpets were in good order, paint was fresh, people were in good spirits and the owner is very proud of his property and should be.
After completing the inspection I decided to bug Pam who often reminds me that we need to "go out to eat" so with marie calendars on my mind I called and she gave up her Nutri System gourmet food for a salad and corn bread. We had a great time catching up on her school, her budget for the new year and what I've been doing. She like me misses Nan on a daily, hourly basis. Pam watched over Nan for years, often staying the night sleeping in a chair in a hospital room, she helped catch blood clots once in San Ramon saving Nan's life, she would rub Nan's feet for hours or just sit and snooze side by side here in the house. Pam enhanced Nan's life, she was a part of a caring circle of friends that demonstrated the love of Jesus day after day in being Nan's strength. This whole story of the 12 year battle with GIST would be written differently were it not for a family that cared so much, for friends who put their concern and love into dynamic action. It is a tribute to the power of love and being the hands of Jesus when someone needs you. We were blessed by such love.
I pray daily for new orders, I cannot go on for ever without work coming in so perhaps its time I go look for orders instead of sitting here waiting for them to come to me.
Thank you for your involvement in my life. Every word written or spoken lifts my spirits and assists me to the next day, the next week, the next phase of life.



1 comment:

Deborah W said...

Hi Tim, again it's interesting how our work has dried up at the same time. I need to go look for work, too; it's not my favorite thing to do! I remember last time we both got more work the very same week! Perhaps we both each had the other in mind, as well as our own selves, when we sent out our pleas to the "universe!" I'm glad you are enjoying your growing family. Love to read of the kids and their antics. Keep writing!