Friday, April 18, 2008

Friday evening at Jason and Jo's house

Dear Family and Evening,
I am writing this evening from the motorhome which is parked next to Jason and Jo's ocean front home here at MBA. I have 3 ABN on the TV and an old friend I have not seen for years is on, Dale Galusha who now works for Pacific Press in some capacity. This has been a really nice day. First off this morning Patty came by as I was loading up the motorhome with a card of appreciation for the dog food I gave Bear the other day. The card is so cute, it plays a little song when it is opened. Just too cute. After Patty left I let the dogs out and they were so excited to be going in the motorhome again. I drove to Brentwood to pick up needed meds and then to Castro Valley where I did an appraisal. Let me tell you it is not easy to shoot the comps which of course were all located on narrow hilly streets. Finally I shot the last one and headed to Aptos which the GPS said was just 67 miles away. Traffic was light, the trip a delight and I arrived here about 1:30, some sort of record for getting here on time. I set up, put the awning out, put the astro turf out, attached the little BBQ which mounts on the side of the motorhome, turned it on and made a griller with whole wheat buns. Wow it tasted good. The weather here is cool but beautiful and now as the sun sets over the ocean it is getting cold. Jason is on duty tonight at vespers, Timothy was up for hours crawling all over the place, had some good veges and is now sleeping. No one knows if he will stay asleep all night or not. He is growing rapidly and is so precious to a pappa's heart. Just now Jo and Jason prepared some nice cheese and tomato pizza. I think I will dress up warm and take a long walk with the dogs. It is safe here and I need my walk.
It is so nice to be here again. Nan and I loved to come visit and until last September we often came even when she was in the wheelchair and growing weaker. We searched for the most bump free route and she enjoyed seeing her loved ones. It seems unusual to be in the motorhome without her but I am accepting that this is where we are at now and she rests in Jesus without pain and suffering, that in itself is a blessing.
Being here on this campus with its direct view of the ocean, cool weather, beautiful lawns and buildings and warm friendly people, being here is always special. After I arrived I decided to chance unloading the rototiller by myself. Steve was right, its a handfull to manage but I got it off, started the engine and learned how to run it. What a powerful tool. It just loves to tear up the ground and so far I've only made a couples passes to the area we intend to work up. At home LeAnn has kindly consented to feed the fish and kitties and watch over things. Ken will have to walk alone for a couple days. Jason let me know he and a friend have started a walking program too which is great news. It is a great way to deal with stress, get lots of fresh air in and it effects just about everything in the whole body in a positive manner. I am so glad that walking has become the centerpiece of my rebuilding program. Soon I will add weight lifting, some racquetball and yard work to the mix. I now weigh 221 and in December I was up to 234. I like this weight better and Keith keep your check book on ready, I still plan to drop the 60 lbs.
On the way here I found a guy selling strawberries. They are great and it feels so good to eat a bunch of them knowing that is a great thing to do for the body.
Because I started planning this trip a bit earlier than usual I managed to get the GPS and XM radio moved over. What a nicer way to travel, to have my electronic friends along for the ride. What a great gift the GPS has been, now I had to go anywhere without it.
Well the dogs are looking longingly at the leashes, hoping that we have another walk in the works. Well we just happen to have such a walk coming up. So good night my friends. Thanks for the nice words about last nights blog. I love all the flower power in my front yard, its a genuine blessing. Glad you enjoyed it.


Tim and Jason and Jo and Timothy and Clayton

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