Thursday, April 10, 2008

Moving ahead with heart...

Dear Ones,
Its late and I've managed to waste away the evening since I got home after grief group. Sort of feels good to unwind a bit.
Highlights of the day include: A quick walk with Ken this morning at 7, felt great and worried less about an attack, office work for a couple hours and then I remembered I had a 3 pm appointment, that speeded up office work a bit, mail brought more money, thanks Loree for getting the statements out, it helps!, drive to San Lorenzo, see a cute little old house that has been owned since it was new in 1955. Lady was lonely even though she lost her husband 27 years ago. She is most distressed by losing her son who was 54 of a minor illness after he spent 3 years in a prisoner of war camp during our stay in Vietnam. This lady who was 78 was in great condition, had been a runner all her life until a knee gave out. Great lady and interesting visit. Then I headed back home but traffic was tough, slow slow slow and I was in the fast lane, fueled up in Livermore, Diesel was only $4.15 there. Then home for a quick pit stop and back to Brentwood to observe Keanna in action at her swim lessons, she did great and was her normal bundle of energy. I got her new goggles since her have been missing since Hawaii. Then to grief recovery group. Tonight was highly unusual. A lady ended up in group who had lost her husband 4 months ago, she was angry at him for not trying to deal with his diabetes, would not stop smoking, drinking and ended up dying. She was a pistol and the group started up on an uneasy note but got much better. Still there was lots of angst tonight, several had had a terrible week, others had great news to share about MRIs showing no cancer finally. I always learn things, ways of coping there. I notice that it makes no difference between those of us who have lost loved ones recently or those who lost 2 years ago. Most anything can trigger the tears and sadness. Certain themes seem to unite us, family becomes vitally important, working through the huge hole in the road where our loved ones used to be, financial uncertainty is a constant and the desire to find life again. We have one cancer patient who is in the midst of chemo, has no hair and she is just a crackup, so honest and so funny as she describes her week. Our leader is great and very on top of everything. This week it was certainly worth the time spent.
I think I am ready to finally turn Nan's cell phone off. In the morning I will experiment with recording her precious message on that line and if I can get it clear and right then I will go ahead and turn off the line. I also need to turn off the earthlink account that continues to cost $30 a month. I hate to lose contact with the GISTers who write to that email address but I can't justify the money being wasted every month.
While I was in town at the club tonight I met with someone who helps new people join the club. I think being a part of the club would make more sense. They have everything, pool racquet ball courts, exercise machines, weight rooms, swimming pools and they are open from 5 am to 11 pm every day. I am considering joining and right now they waive the start up fee and I can join with Nikki so the cost will be reduced over normal. I never joined before because I wanted to come directly home to Nan but now I come home to Starr and Lady and I can do that a few minutes later. I think long and hard about taking on new spending. Every dollar counts. Today it was Sutter Delta seeking about $1,600 for the two procedures I have had done at the hospital, pulmonary and the colonoscopy. They agreed to a payment plan per month.
This weekend will be great, Keanna is coming for a sleep over tomorrow night, then we go to Sabbath School the next morning. On Sunday I get to see Jason during the time Nikki is attending her shower in Dublin and seeing my kids is always special, the same as you feel toward yours I'm sure.
Now its bed time. I'm so glad Art is home from cruising the oceans and we can talk again. Soon I'll get a chance to see him in person again.
Thank you for your prayers and kindness during the heart tests.



Anonymous said...

Hello Tim,

TGIF! Another stressful week has past and now you can rest in God's mercy that he has kept the body functioning even when abused. When your entire life was centered around Nan you had no time to take care of Tim. Now it is Tim's turn. God was merciful to you in sustaining you during that time without a lot of damage to yourself. Consider your symptoms a wake-up call. You are heading in the right direction ~ keep going.

Have a beautiful week end ~

We love you ~ Carol

Anonymous said...

Hi Tim,

Just got back from Sac Airport. Picked My Sister up,had late lunch and arrived in Lodi at 4:30. She is on her way to the Academy for Alumni Weekend Meetings this evening. Her Class was 1958 and in celebrating 50th Year.

We will attend the Service tomorrow at 10:00 and then We have a lunch date with friends at the "Cactus"in Woodbridge about 1:00.

Have a good Sabbath Day and come on over for Dominoes if You can. Give Us a call if We can expect You. We usually start Play about 6:00.

Love You,

Bob & Carrol.