Monday, April 21, 2008

Home again

Dear Friends and Family

This evening I'm back home again after an excellent weekend with Jason, Jo and Mr. Timothy. I enjoyed walking on the beach the first night with the dogs. The surf was up and very noisy and the dogs were uneasy and stayed very close to me. Sabbath we went to the convocation at Jo's school in Santa Cruz, had lunch and then rested for a bit. The winds came up so I had to fold my awning away for fear it would be destroyed. Between Jo and Jason they made several good meals, we had a nice time of conversation and mutual sharing of Timothy in action and yet accomplished things as well. Our Sunday was dominated by using Steve's rototiller to work up a large area of unused ground next to their house. It looks great now and is ready for new plants, steps and whatever they decide to do with the area. This morning as I started to prepare the motorhome to travel I lowered the TV antenna, activated the power slide to its in position, unhooked the electrical power and water from the house, turned the front captains chairs to a forward position and lastly loaded the rototiller. It was too heavy for me to push up the ramp into the coast so I started it and set it on a low idle speed and then let it walk itself up the ramp and into the motorhome. I quickly turned the engine off since I didn't want exhaust in the interior of the motorhome. Before I left I replaced an exterior outlet we had first installed a year ago. It was a ground fault system plug and something had failed inside. A new one did the trick so Jason once again has power for his decorative pump in the backyard.
It takes a while to get ready to travel and there is always something else to remember. Today it was the silverware drawer which came open with a crash as I started to drive. I had failed to push the lock on that one door. I took it easy coming home, there was no rush and in a motorhome a slightly lower speed might mean a mile per gallon improvement. In Livermore the gauge was nearing the bottom so I slipped into CostCo, waiting 30 minutes to reach the pump where fuel was $3.71 a gallon. My $98 only bought about a 1/2 tank. When I got home I discovered the appointment I had planned for this afternoon actually was for Tuesday so I went ahead and cleared the motorhome, dumped the tanks, carried everything back into the house from the dirty clothes to the frig to the computers. Then I dropped the rototiller off at Steve and Nikki's and parked the motorhome in its permanent RV parking facility. OF course the bug would not start so I jumped it with a little device Nan bought for me for Christmas which works every time. Then home to fix dinner and watch House. What a thought provoking show and now I'm writing this epistle and then bed time. LeAnn did a great job of caring for the creatures and even tidied up the family room. I thank God for my wonderful neighbors.
So now I am rested, emotionally at peace and ready for the week. There was some money in the mail when I got home which continues to amaze me.
I'll have some photos tomorrow night. Tonight I'm suddenly sleepy.
Thank you dear friends and family for your support and love. Of special note is the word from Bob and Carrol that her special numbers continue to be low, a good thing, and means no chemo for some time yet. That is such a blessing for she and Bob.

So good night my friends and family, you are all very special to me.



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