Wednesday, April 16, 2008

New glasses

Just wanted to let you see my new glasses. I'm really quite happy with them. What do you think?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Tim,

Nice glasses. Yes, I think they were a good investment. With your new improved health you could use an updated look. By the way, you ARE beginning to look more healthy and rested. We approve! (As if it matters)

Roger is off to the golf course this a.m. at 37 degrees I really think if he waited a couple hours when the day warms a bit more he would enjoy it more. He golfs with a couple of guys who like to get out there nearly as soon as the course opens. Brrrrr!

While I have the house to myself this a.m. I'm continuing my "downsizing" project. It's amazing what we can do without! We have been accumulating "stuff" for the last 15 years and it's "get rid of" time. I'm on a roll and don't want to stop now. It's amazing what we keep sometimes. Roger has said many times that he is a thrower and I'm a keeper. Funny how that works.... He has his own stash that is "much more valuable" than mine. I don't like to throw anything away than can be used by someone else, but I don't mind giving it away. So, we continue on. When we do sell we will be more ready to move anyway.

Have another one of those good days today, Tim. It sounds like life really does hold some special times for you still. Cherish each day ~ it's a gift.

We love you ~ Carol