Sunday, April 27, 2008

Fun is helping the kids

Good evening

Its already 10 pm and I think I know where my kids are, I'm pretty sure Nikki, Keanna and Steve are resting up after a very big day of work.
They have purchased new carpet for the upper level of their home, a level that has Keanna's room with all its toys, books, DVDs, clothes, a guest room, another guest room soon to be Kalie's room and the office with its bookshelves, desks, computers, printers and memorabilia. They have been working on getting everything boxed up for days now and this morning I got to help a bit. I had a bunch of boxes in the garage and took them over and helped fill them with books, CDs, beanie babies, photo albums. Then Steve moved them to the attic using a ladder he had installed sometime ago. Tonight they are much closer to being ready than this morning and it feels to to have helped a little. Nikki, Keanna and I caught lunch at the local Strawhat which used to have a great salad bar, now its just OK. While Keanna got her hair trimmed I grabbed some groceries at Safeway. Keanna is so interesting to hold conversations with and its great to see the love that both Nikki and Steve give her. So last Sunday I got to help Jason and Jo with the rototilling and today I got to help Nikki and Steve. Feels good and incidentally I feel good these days. Ken and I walked this morning at 8 and discovered a warm sunny day with many people out walking and enjoying themselves. This place comes alive in the Spring as residents can begin to enjoy the water again, most have boats of one kind or another with models ranging from paddle boats to 150 mph ocean racers. This morning as we walked we could hear a train going by across the delta, ducks caring for their babies and sprinklers replicating raindrops California Style.
This afternoon I did a bit of shopping Nan style. Steve had let me know that OSH was having a sale on PVC pipe, two for the price of one so I drove over to get 50 feet of pipe to add a better water source to the back deck drip system. Well I was informed that the sale was only yesterday but there was the sign behind the pipe stating 2 for 1 with no date attached. So instead of being the timid Tim I used the Nan voice and kindly let them know I wanted the deal since the sign said so. They agreed but headed back to retrieve the sign. Then home for a clean shirt and a local inspection of a home we have seen before. The people are really nice and love Jags, I remembered them perfectly as the last time I was there we had just got the jag for Nan's 50th birthday. Just now I've had another Nan moment. Instead of just letting things slide I called them this evening for payment and got a credit card number. They mentioned that they had not paid for the last update, I double checked and found they were right so they covered that as well. For some reason I dislike having to ask for money, I didn't even like it back during the years of ministry, I just don't like asking for money and I really don't like people asking me for it either. Funny quirk.
This evening I got an opportunity to have a nice conversation with Sylvia. She is back from Jamaica, had a great time and is continuing to deal with the challenges of settling everything up before she can move forward. She is doing well on all counts I believe. We both are amazed that we both lost our dear ones so near to each other. Never in a thousand years would we have anticipated such events. And now we cope.
Thank you for all the great emails and messages over the weekend. I love every one. I even got a voice message on the cell tonight from Irene so I'm anxious to talk to her tomorrow.
This evening I finally did something that I suppose most of you will think I should have done months ago. I carefully taped the message you hear when you call Nan's cell phone, I taped it over and over again just to be sure and then made the tape safe so it can't be taped over. Tomorrow morning I will cancel her service. It runs nearly $100 a month but its been so hard to bring myself to cancel this service. She loved her phone and talking to Sharon and Dana, to David, Joe, Aunt Ann, Jan, Irene, her GIST friends, her kids every day. She loved to be in touch. Its one more step into a reality without her, I hate taking these steps because as I walk away from her I walk into a world alone here at the house. No cheerful calls while I'm out during the day, no quick messages, when are you coming home? No little good news calls.
Wow this losing the love of your life is tough stuff.
Last night my friend Art got robbed. He has spent the day discovering more and more things that were stolen. My heart goes out to he and Connie as they work through this invasion of their privacy. Fortunately they are OK but some of their prized possessions are gone. Art's grand daughter is already home from the hospital after her surgery and so far things are looking good.
In this troubled world there are many reasons for despair but there are also many compelling reasons for hope and for gratitude.
So what kind of week is ahead? Can we find some joy here and there? Can we find ways to help?



Anonymous said...

Good Morning Tim,

Sounds like You had a full weekend with Family & Friends.

Remembering times past with the loved ones that are gone brings the emotions of the loss to the front so quickly. Friends tell Us that it never really stops but becomes less intense as time goes by. How We long for the day when We can be reunited with Our Loved Ones again.

We had a rather warm Sunday 94, and find that We are not quite ready for so much Heat. Things start to get Dry so quickly so up go the Sprinkler time settings to keep the Grass growing & Green.

Looks like We will be at $4.00 Gas by the end of the week, What A RIP OFF !! Nearly $40.00 to fill the Focus Yesterday , a Year ago it was just over $20.00 don't even want to think about another Year. $5.00 is on the horizon I fear.

Well at least the Rebate Checks are "In The Mail", Where have We heard that before?

Have a good Week & Drive carefully & Slower if that is possible.

Love You,

Bob & Carrol.

Anonymous said...

And a good morning from NC!
We had a very rainy weekend, however no one was complaining. We are working on our rain fall deficit and it is improving, but the lakes have not yet fully recovered. It does make the grass grow and knocks the azalea blossoms off though.

It sounds like you had a very profitable weekend. The reward is so much greater helping our kids with projects than doing our own. Oh how I wish we were closer to our kids sometimes. Then there are times when it is good not to be so close.

Sorry to hear about Art's misfortune. It makes you feel so violated to have an unwelcomed "guest" in your home pawing through your special things helping themselves to whatever they want. Not a very good feeling.

Have a good week, my friend. There are many more good ones to come for you.

We love you ~ Carol