Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Hay fever rages, Keanna swims

Dear Family and Friends,
Tonight I blog early while I am still awake. For the last two days I've felt pretty rough and this evening is no exception. I think I've used a box of Kleenex today and that is in spite of a allergy pill this morning. I've noticed others are suffering today as well. My ears are stuffed, my head feels hot and swollen, of course the nose is red from tissues and the throat is sore as well. Eyes are swollen and red. Nice!
Ken and I walked at 7, then breakfast, then some work before hitting the road at noon for a 1 pm appointment in Benicia. Benicia is a very pleasant little town located near the water and has an appealing downtown with different shops, cafe's museums, real estate office and such. Included in the mix is my present favorite, the 1st Street Cafe. Today their tomato bisque soup was excellent, the service quick, the waitress sweet and the sandwich full of greens, tomatoes and Cheddar cheese on rye. The little house on my schedule turned out to be near perfect. They have done lots of appealing things, new carpets, new windows, new tile flooring, new paint, new roof and new concrete driveway. The husband was busy working on a project when I arrived. He has created a device that when attached to a diesel engine raised the fuel mileage by as much as 45%. Well of course I was interested. While I don't understand everything or really anything about what he was telling me somehow his device changes the air flow into the engine to partial hydrogen causing the fuel to burn much cleaner and put out more energy. He was a very interesting guy. The house was one of those with perfect everything, everything in its place, colors that matched perfectly, no dust or dirt anywhere, sort of like my place, well actually the opposite of my place really. When I was finished in Benicia I dropped a set of plans off at a home I saw several weeks ago. An interesting story is connected to this property. I did the appraisal for the couple after they had rejected several other appraisers due to their attitude. Yesterday the loan officer called from LA to ask me if I could talk to the homeowners as his office manager had called the house a while elephant to the owners on the phone. Well the owners were very miffed and were not returning calls so the loan person asked me to ask them if there was anything wrong! Well I guess calling a beautiful custom designed and constructed home a white elephant might elicit some response from the owners. So I dutifully took back the blue prints today hoping to engage the owner in a conversation where he could vent but he was not home. End of that story. Why an office manager would make such a comment I do not know but it may have cost them a deal worth thousands of dollars. Perhaps next time they will think before they make such a comment.
After Benicia I drove to Oakland to shoot some comp photos I have been needing to shoot for over a week, got that done and then headed to Brentwood to see Keanna at her swim lessons. Traffic was really challenging but I made it and saw her in action in the pool. Well I was hungry and felt lousy with stuffy head so decided on Caps, a local steak house. I found something good on the menu and then headed home. Sometimes home seems more special than others, this is such an evening. When I am finished writing I intend to fall asleep in the recliner watching the idiot box and then make my way up to bed.
Tomorrow morning Art's grand daughter is have some very special surgery in a hospital in Castro Valley. I ask that you join with me in prayer for this precious 27 year old girl during this trying time.
I spoke to Sharon this evening and she thinks within a week the escrow on her old house will close. It is one of the longest escrows I have ever heard of but Sharon has chosen to trust her Lord for His timing and she is not complaining.
Good night my friends and family, how I long to see you, any of you soon. This lonely life really stinks sometimes. Can't wait to see you.




Anonymous said...

Good Morning to the man with Hay Fever! Now that doesn't sound like much fun. Why should such a beautiful time of year cause so much misery? The earliest azaleas are at peak and the later varieties are still budding. Your "memory" azalea is still in the budding stage. It is healthy and growing well. The middle to end of May we head into pine pollen season here. That's the only time allergies bother me. Oh what a mess that season is ~ yellow pollen everywhere!

We are getting ready for the summer crowd and also trying to get this place looking its best. We still need to plant the flowers for summer. I hope we are past the frost stage now. Our realtor is a real "go-getter"! She said she WILL sell this place. Lesley used to work for us and now has her realtor's license. She is a very special young lady. She knows the property almost as well as we do. She has the enthusiasm and the broker has the experience, so it should be a good combination!

Take care of that red nose and stay away from the sauce! I hear that's a problem with alcoholics......
(Ha! ha!)

We love you anyway ~ Carol

Anonymous said...

Hi Tim,

Choir Practice went well last evening and today it's Dentist time for Me. Time to deal with a cracked filling that I've been putting off for a few months till the Tax return was posted, Now it's fix it Time.

Beautiful Day coming today weather wise, hope the wind eases off a bit.

Gas is getting very close to the $4.00 mark here $3.79 and rising !

Have a good day,

Love You,

Bob & Carrol.