Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Busy day, home safe once again

Hi Everyone,
It feels nice to be sitting at home again after a rather busy day. Ken and I walked this morning at 6:30, found air breezy and brisk! Then a quick bowl of shredded wheat and applesauce, then work very hard to complete an Oakland appraisal, done and sent at 12:30, then try to complete another one from Stockton (driveby with complications), almost done, helped Steve back the boat into its place beside the house. He and David did a wonderful job of removing years of trash and broken down weeds to the dump yesterday. It is so encouraging to see the water where before I could only see weeds. Thanks so much guys!
Mapblast said travel time to Salinas was 2 hours 5 minutes. Having run out of time before completing the Stockton appraisal I hit the road but not before loading up an excellent book I found in Nan's car compliments of Dana. Well the book is great and really made the trip go fast. I arrived about 8 minutes late and the clients who were to meet me there were not there. I had called and bugged the title company until they got me the access number for the lockbox as I drove down, talk about faith that things would work out. I measured the home which was in remarkably good condition for a bank owned foreclosure. As I was nearing completion the clients (buyer) arrived and was very happy to be able to see the interior of the home. After a few minutes of deciding which comps to shoot and programing the GPS I started that process. I shot about 9 photos just to be sure I had it covered. I had missed lunch so decided to find food, well I found nothing enticing in Salinas, just don't know the town well enough to know where the good places are hidden. Art and Connie invited me over so I stopped in Gilroy and had wonderful food with them. Then bidding them farewell I set my sights on home. To make up for the speed I drove going down I drove slowly coming home. Once again the book helped the miles pass quickly.
Starr and Lady were the greeters when I came through the door and after a treat each they settled down to celebrate my return. I read the emails and followed with interest the GIST emails from people who are in the thick of the battle, searching for the next drug that might help. There are so many things I could say but I only respond when someone has lost someone, tonight a lady reported losing her husband who was 53 years old, grown children and 4 grandchildren. What a terrible loss and I did write to her. Because Nan and lost the battle for her survival does not mean I do not care about the battles others are still waging. Some will win, some will eventually face the terrible loss when the tumors win. How I hate this disease and how I long for a cure, for a pathway away from the return of the tumors for so many.
So my friends and family, rejoice in your blessings, actively love those in your path and be the best person you can be, its a decision, a choice and I urge you to make it every day.


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