Monday, May 5, 2008

Making life work

Good evening,
I'm writing early this evening. The day has mostly been filled with reconciling month after month of the business account in QuickBooks Pro. Each month got easier until now it seems downright easy. Ken really helped me get on the right track. Little tricks like how to get totally rid of a check once it is written and in the register, well Ken showed me and what a help that is. Always good to know how to rid ones self of mistakes. In the course of doing the work I located a few missed deposits and was able to clean up entries already made. Now I have to tackle the AMEX account for the year and then I'm about ready to hand it to Ken to do the 2007 taxes. Yea!
I went to Stockton this afternoon to see a property from the street and to try to discover its current value. For some reason the comps the computer spit out were all over a mile away so I'll have to shoot some more tomorrow morning when I'm there. I watched in dismay as the GPS led me further and further from the subject's neighborhood to the comps, they were just not right, to nice, to quiet, to new and not really comparable at all.
Tomorrow I get to eat with her highness Dolly Vogel and her children Bart and Debbie. I love these people and it will be great to see them again after such a long long time. While we often email each other just getting to eat together will be great, actually any meal I do not have to create is great!
Tomorrow David, Steve's brother, is coming out to clean up some piles of weeds and trash from the side of my house. It will be great to get rid of it all and get to start over. After all I do have guests coming and with the likes of Dana, Ronnie and Marilyn you can't just have trash around, things have to be just right for people of that caliber! Steve put this plan into motion and I think its great. I wish I was going to be here all day to work with him.
After the lunch tomorrow I see a property at 2 in Brentwood. It is owned by the creator of the program, On the House, a TV program. It is supposed to be over 5,000 sf and something very special. The last appraisal which he emailed to me this afternoon was 34 pages in length. Wow! Finding comps will be a real challenge to say the least.
Well my friends here we go with yet another week. I'm hoping and praying that it will be a good one with some orders, some moments of friendship and good health all around. In less than 3 weeks I hope to welcome yet another little grand baby into this world. She will be great!



Anonymous said...

Good Morning Tim,
Yes, I'm up very early even for NC! I do plan to go back to bed however. I got up for a potty break and my head started working. I couldn't turn it off to get back to sleep.

Our plans for the day have abruptly changed. Roger leaves this a.m. for MI to visit his cousin who is dying of ~ yes, cancer. She is on Hospice and has very little time left. He decided last night to go while he could still visit with her instead of going to her funeral. With Price Line, he got a fare that would be cheaper than driving. So, he will be off today and back on Friday at 2:00 a.m. in time for his 2 concerts on the week end.

We will have time to vote before he gets on the plane. The choices aren't all that great, but we do the best we can with the knowledge we have. Sometimes it is just a vote against a worse candidate. I did get the scoop on the local candidates, however.

Well, Tim, it looks like you are doing well with your "get caught up" plan. See, God gives us time to do some important things ~ like get the check book caught up, haul away trash, clean off the desk..... Doesn't it feel good? I love the feeling I have when it is done. I hope to spend some quality time in the office the next couple of days.

I guess it's time to shut down the brain again and head back to bed. Have a good day ~ keep on that roll!

We love you ~ Carol

Anonymous said...

Hi Tim,

What a pain Yard work can be. You are blessed to have Steve who really knows how to deal with that sort of stuff. Hope it goes well.

Our Yard is healing quite nicely from the trench work for the down spout drains that was done about 10 days ago, how fast things do grow with the warm sun and the sprinkller system doing their jobs.

Our Dentist Appointments got moved again so it will be another week till We see them, hope My Temporary Crown holds together till then, so far so good !

Looks like Pedens State N.C. may be a big factor in Who gets the Democratic Nomination. I agree with Carol that sometimes You just wish there was a better choice to vote for and not have to use the vote as a negative device.

I really think that "Arnold" would do a good Job as President if He could be given the chance to run. At least He seems to tell it like it is and is always doing something!!

Have a good safe day and keep a lock on Your Gas Tanks!!

Love You,

Bob & Carrol.