Saturday, May 24, 2008

Keanna goes to Sabbath School

Dear Family and Friends,
11:50 where has the evening gone?
Ken and I walked this morning, cool and breezy, Loree took the weekend off. The a quick oatmeal breakfast, then pick up Keanna and drive to Tracy for an on time arrival at Sabbath School. Keanna starts off with shy moments but warms to the program as the time passes. Great program, few kids today.
Then we stopped for a kids meal at Burger King and she played her heart out on the slides in the restaurant. Finally she said it was time to go and we drove home. What a privilege it is to have a 5 year old child who thinks you can do no wrong. I tell you its a lift and I love her topics of conversation, this morning it was about turn signals and why they are important, about brake lights, speed limits, police, why there was no sun, where rain comes from.
I was sleepy and upon arriving home I napped in the chair while flipping between the three channels on the Christian Dish. There were several phone calls during the afternoon and I really was glad to get to talk to Jan in Denver, she needs our prayers, her life has been tough lately. Then Sharon called to say her Sabbath had gone well. I spoke to Jason and Jo at different times and they were enjoying strawberry shortcake, I almost drove down when I heard that! Art called to report he and Connie have returned from Spain, that they were very tired after sleeping very little last night and were heading to bed. I was especially touched to hear from Julie Vogel Cronkite who has a special way with listening and understanding. I hope to talk to her more as the days unfold.
This evening I installed a trailer hitch on the van. Since selling the Fiero last fall I've had no way of moving the boat around and as I really enjoy taking people for boat rides now I have a way of launching it again. Once I got into it I found the installation to be amazingly simple and direct. It feels good to be able to tackle tasks again as something like that little job last fall would have done me in and now it is nothing. The daily walking is really paying off and I thank the people who have encouraged me to stick with me and helped as well.
This evening I had vegetable soup and earlier I had a tomato sandwich. I do miss having someone with good menu suggestions. Nan was great with meal plans. She kept it interesting.
So now its midnight, my eyes are very tired and its time to hit the sack.
What will the coming week present? The most important item on the agenda, a new little baby Kallie, I can't wait for the adventure and the arrival. What an exciting time, a new human being, an important part of the family, a new gift from God.
So my friends, lets do our best to enhance each others lives this week, to build happiness and success.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Tim,

Well We have made it to Sunday, Both of Us slept well last night and I believe We are finally getting the best of this Broncitus Bug that has been dogging Us for many days now. Carrol is no longer having fever issues and We are coughing less & less every day. This has been a nasty 2 weeks but We are still talking to eachother and getting excited about getting back into the main stream of things again. First time out will be the Senior Center for Lunch on Tuesday then the Dentist on Wednesday if all goes well.

You will be blessed soon with a new Grandchild , how special that time will be for You & the Family.

Gas just went to $4.09 at our corner Station and it shows no signs of stoping its climb. The Little Ford Focus is fast becoming the preffered mode of transportation around here. I've even given some thought to driving it when We go to Tahoe June 8,9,for My Birthday, but it's just a thought. The Odyssey is still the "Long Drive" Choice no doubt about that.

Have a good week ahead, Enjoy Memorial day and We will be praying for an easy arrival of the "New Little One" soon.

See You Soon , Maybe Friday evening at the "Factory"?

Bob & Carrol.