Dear Family and Friends,
This morning started at 6 am. When I went to bed it was very warm so I used no covers. Starr was thrown off her routine and kept trying to find covers to climb under so much so that at midnight I turned on the room air and used covers, Then she settled down. I bounded out the door expecting to walk to Loree's house which is a few blocks away and found her and Harley, the family dog, just walking up all smiles and ready to go. I was shocked as I was doubtful she could even pull herself out of bed at that time of morning. Well I was wrong. We walked and talked and how nice it was to quickly make the turn around the lake with her. She even made the air smell good with her light perfume, I don't remember the last time Ken's perfume made the air smell good! Loree is even up to walking again tomorrow morning, wow am I blessed or what.
After coming home, having oatmeal and banana, a shower and settling in at my computer Sylvia called. Her call was at the exact right moment as on the screen of the computer I had accidentally opened a file with a photo of Nan resting under our pink blanket, cheeks red with a light fever and a peaceful expression on her face. It just hit me really hard and Sylvia was very helpful at that moment. These emotional bursts can sure come on quickly and then they are gone again. As always Sylvia had some very good suggestions regarding beginning to work through sharing some of Nan's beautiful clothes with others and with reinforcements arriving soon a plan is beginning to form. Thank you Sylvia and yes the day did get better.
Foolish me, I've been letting a simple thing slip by, drinking the water with lemon I love so much. So I just decided that today I needed to drink the water and by afternoon I felt much better, more alert. I'm also going to take a short vacation from the Veramyst to see if it might be causing some of the recent depression. Sylvia's idea and a very solid one.
By noon today I had completed the tough appraisal of the very fine home in Brentwood and emailed it away to the bank, then I turned to other items that needed attention. Making a simple appointment for a tiny condo in Rancho Cordova has turned into a big deal and now the earliest I can see it is a week from tomorrow. That was a setback. Tonight my desk is somewhat clearer than it was this morning. I just stayed at the computer working with times out for a healthy lunch, salad with added tomato (how do does one dice a tomato for a salad), cut up carrots. I also had green beans and some V8 juice. Then this evening I had a peach, peanut butter toast with applesauce and some wheat thins (low fat of course).
Once when I was in the kitchen to grab frozen shrimp for the fish tank I saw nothing but red over the lake, a fiery sunset was taking place so I grabbed the camera and I think you will see it was very beautiful.
Another woman who made my day today was Nikki. She continues to amaze me. She went to exercise classes tonight with less than 2 weeks before her due date. She said she had a hard time keeping up, well no wonder. She also reported little Kallie was poking her with an elbow and a knee at the same time. Probably sounds more humorous that it feels. Jason also called today to bring me up to date. Jo's mother Julie is arriving on Friday for a month and of course Jason is having mother in law jitters, just like I used to have when Mema, nan's mother would arrive. They are wonderful and a huge help but it does bring change to the home as well. They are all looking forward to her arrival. Jason and Jo are attempting to teach Timothy to sleep all night and are having mixed success so far. He is such a little charmer, smiles like a imp sometimes. My favorite when he pulls himself up against the back sliding door and then begins to lick the door, likes the cool feeling. Soooo cute.
Dana reports she is coming in 14 days or so and is bringing 6 year old Anthony, Keanna is delighted to have someone to play with and both kids want to go fishing.
Marilyn Titherington otherwise known as Mother Teresa around here is coming about the second week in July so things are going to be looking up round here. Its time I start cleaning and preparing for honest to goodness guests, yea! Son Steve is working long hours building his landscaping business and doing great work in the process. What an industrious guy he is.
So thats how things look from here. Please continue to pray for orders and checks too. I'm about to change my billing, I will work for food!
Sending love,
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