Dear Family and Friends,
9:05, fascinating day! Let me tell you about it. First off Nikki and Steve are still waiting for Kallie to arrive. Now we are all hoping for Friday since we will be sort of caught up with things by then. I've included a photo of Nikki and one of Keanna at tumbling classes last evening.
This morning as I talked to God after I woke up instead of the usual shopping list of wants and requests, you know checks in the mail, more orders, favorable lenders, lose weight.... well I decided to make an offer, how can I help you today God, well it was a new thought, here is what has happened during the day. I met a lady who cares for her mom at the Santa Clara house. She not only cares for her 84 year old mom who is a bit cranky and is losing her mind but also holds down a full time nursing position, I was able to talk to her caregiver to caregiver and she is about to break, little sleep, total care of her mom who is pretty ill. So we talked about getting help and about finding escape at times for mental sanity. It was very worthwhile. As I left the phone rang and it was someone needing a different kind of help as a result of an ongoing divorce, the lady was in tears and despair, hopefully I can help but at least I was able to remind her gently that things will get better, that a new day is coming and that things will work out. I also got to talk directly to Roger and Carol in N. Carolina. Roger's situation continues to be serious. In spite of 2 units of blood he only got a bounce of a point, up from 6.9 to 7.9 and by this afternoon it has slipped back to 7.8. However the liver is doing much better and Carol says his skin color has improved. This special guy really needs our prayers and positive thoughts. Typical Roger, he wanted to find out how I was doing, I was amazed.
So my friends, beware of what you pray for, if you offer to help God He just might take you serious and bring you into contact with people who need help.
I also want to express appreciation for some special help that has come my way financially. Without going into it fully I can just say that at a point of pretty hefty need some funds came through arriving today that will help a great deal, its been a slow pay month. Thanks so much for your help.
So good night my friends and family, you are certainly a very special group who demonstrates Jesus in so many different ways. I feel very honored to have such a fine family and friends. This evening Jason called and he, Jo and Jo's mom were just chilling out with Timothy, he was talking up a storm and they were having a very nice family moment. I appreciated their sharing it with me. I also got to spend time with Keanna and Nikki this evening, what a blast to see Nikki and Keanna hug and play together. That my friends is what life comes down to, its good.
1 comment:
Hi Tim,
Indeed We are shocked and saddened to read of Roger's Plight. After a full day of Dental appointments and the stress of moving My Mother to a new facility after 4 days in the hospital for Her following a bad fall, broken arm , head cut, black eyes etc, She is nearly 94.
I got to the E.Mail very late and We are in ernest Ptayer for Our dear friend Roger . We are trusting that the Lord will hold Him close and bring healing quickly to Him.
Hope to see You at the Factory tomorrow evening 5:30/ 6:00 or so. We have coupons.
Love and Prayers & give Nickie a special Hug from Both of Us,
Bob & Carrol.
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