Monday, May 26, 2008

Laboring on labor day

Dear Family and Friends,
10:15 pm, no baby news yet from Nikki and Steve and a quiet day for me. AFter yesterday with the deck cleaning, the flower planting and the trip to town I decided today needed to be a get serious about work day. So I've turned out 5 appraisals today, written and emailed to the lenders. When I do get up from the chair I am so stiff I can hardly move. Late this afternoon the neighbors invited me to take a little ride in their electric boat around the lake. The weather was perfect and I enjoyed seeing the progress so many have made with their lake side yards, decks and retaining walls. As soon as I got back I went right back to work again and was able to complete yet another appraisal.
Tomorrow I'm back out seeing properties, two in the Sacramento / Loomis area and then one back here close to home at the end of the day. The next day I will be out again seeing properties in Pittsburg and Santa Clara. I feel very blessed to have work to do again.
I've really missed Nan today, this is the kind of day which she turned into a pleasant event. She would always come up with an idea, something fun to do or eat or drink or watch. She was the sparkplug for fun in our lives together. I am so glad that I got to enjoy her all the years that I did. No one wants a great party to come to an end or a wonderful concert or a touching movie, that's where I am now, the perfect party ended too soon, the life concert was cut short before the final numbers called the senior years. Will there ever be a reprieve? Who knows and I don't spend a great deal of time in worry over that part.
I'm very thankful for all the good components of the life our family has had, many have been outstanding and have created such memories that we will never forget.
I am in awe of the many people I know who have been living their lives alone for years and making it work. I find little joy in being alone, I love to interact with friends and family. I can't begin to tell you how excited I am to have Anthony and Dana coming in about a week. I can hardly wait for the fun, the thrill of having someone around who loves to live and generates such excitement. I can also hardly wait to hold Kallie. We are pretty sure it will be this week sometime.

I am feeling very good, Ken and I walked this morning later than usual and had a good quick trip. I've had lots of good things today, griller, wheat buns, tomato's, baked beans, brown rice, fresh peach, oatmeal and some hot drinks along the way.

So this evening I want to thank you once again for your love and for your zest for life. Keep it up and perhaps I can catch up with you at some point.




Anonymous said...

Good Morning Tim,
It's been a few days since I've written in your blog.We haven't forgotten you, but have been quite involved with our own stuff this week. I'm so glad you have work again! You had a good Labor Day filled with good quality labor. It was good that you were able to keep busy. If you had nothing to do it would have been especially hard. Now if Nikki would get on with her labor......

May the orders keep coming in and the checks roll in abundantly this week.

We love you ~ Carol

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Tim,
It's been a few days since I've written in your blog.We haven't forgotten you, but have been quite involved with our own stuff this week. I'm so glad you have work again! You had a good Labor Day filled with good quality labor. It was good that you were able to keep busy. If you had nothing to do it would have been especially hard. Now if Nikki would get on with her labor......

May the orders keep coming in and the checks roll in abundantly this week.

We love you ~ Carol

Anonymous said...

Hi Tim,

Go get em Tiger, sounds like You have a full week ahead maybe topped off by a new arrival for the family.

We are going to try to get back into the main stream of things again this week, hope it works out and that We do not slip back into coughing again. What a long haul this stuff has been.

My Sister Patty & Her Husband Chuck are Here . We as a Family are in the process of moving Our Dear Mother to Vienna Convelesent Home. She had quite a fall last week and has spent the last 4 days in the Hospital with brusies ans a broken arm & is no longer able to be in a minimal care place like Ashley whare She has been for the last 4 Years. She will be 94 this Year and is not doing very well. With the more agressive 24hr care She may respond some but We are preparing to let Her go while keeping Her as comfortable as possible.

Have a good Week and lets try for the "Factory" Friday evening?

Bob & Carrol.