Friday, June 20, 2008

A fire is raging near MBA and Watsonville

Dear Family and Friends,
As I write this evening fire fighters are mopping up after a fire started along Highway 1 near MBA. Jason told me that there were many helicopters overhead. The fire burned at least 15 homes and appears to have been started by someone along the road. As a crow flies it was about a mile or so from MBA and that is way too close for comfort. Jason said there were lots of strawberry fields between the fire and the campus, a very good thing for MBA. Yet tonight dozens of families are out of their homes.

What a week! Do you feel that way too? Good things have happened, some orders have come in, a few checks so could finally pay the mortgage 20 days late! Glad I could pay it at all. I know this will all get better in time.
Tonight I'm thankful for safe miles driven, for the bug NOT breaking down in spite of intense heat at times, for healthy Kallie, Keanna and Timothy, for the safe return of Pam Whitted in spite of traveling in a wheel chair and Sylvia's return from the church building project she was involved with. I'm also grateful that Art, Connie and Liz are enjoying their trip and today crossed over passes that were over 13,000 feet. Tonight they are camped in a small KOA where Art said the units are parked about 3 feet apart, not much breathing space but the weather is cool there.
All I can say its hot here, really hot. I have my house set at 80 and the AC has still run quite a bit. Where I work in a tiny office I have a small window AC that does the majority of the cooling so I can work in relative cool.
This morning I attended a memorial service for Inez Van Meter, mother of two of our friends, Vikki and Karen. I was reminded again what a great job the kids did for their mom as she and pops got older. They welcomed them into their lives even more and did all the right things. The love that was expressed today by all at the service was precious to witness. At time I grew misty as I was reminded of our own memorial service held the little Tracy church 6 months ago and at the photos and words about their families closeness. Loss is loss, whether it be someone 90 years old or 55, it hurts, it is unthinkable and then it happens. All in all I enjoyed the service being reminded once again how precious family and church family is.
Finally Dana has been freed from baby sitting duties and she arrives Sunday at 12:15 in Oakland I think, need to double check the location. I can hardly wait and I know Nikki is very much looking forward to her coming as well. Dana is like a moving party, she has such a huge heart of love for everyone that you just can't help but smile to see her in action.
On Monday at 2 pm I will be giving professional testimony in a court in Fairfield and then on Tuesday I hope to be visiting with Roger and Carol in Sacramento. Tomorrow I will spend the day with Pam and her cousin who is visiting, that should be fun.
So now its time to crash. I hope each of you can have a meaningful weekend with the people you love. Its officially summer now, time to take it a little easier, enjoy the warm weather and do summer things.
I send my love to each of you,


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