Thursday, June 5, 2008

Pam's surgery is a success

Good evening,
Long day but Pam is resting well this evening at home. For those of you who do not know Pam Whitted was one of Nan's closest friends over the past many years. Time and time again she has stayed the night with Nan on critical days at hospitals often arriving at 10 or later and caring for her all night. Pam is the principal of a challenging school in Stockton with hundreds of children and since her arrival test scores have improved, reading comprehension is better and discipline on campus has improved. Its a tough job and she does it with love and devotion usually working until 9 or later each night. Since the fall in her shower a couple days ago she has been in extreme pain and today a surgery was performed in which three different bones were plated, screwed into place. She can put NO weight on the foot for the next 6 weeks. Her daughter Shannon will graduate in a week at Walla Walla College in Washington and Pam planned to fly there next week. Now the plans are somewhat up in the air as the surgeon does not want her to fly fearing blood clots forming yet understanding she has to see her daughter graduate. My humble part was to pick up the special ramps that Bob and Carrol own and deliver them to Pam's home in Lodi where we worked on installing them. Shawn will complete the installation which will facilitate Pam's coming and going by wheel chair. Ryan who is her third year medical student arranged to be off today and came home to assist. He and Shawn were great and we brought her home this afternoon after she woke from surgery. She needs our love and prayers as she copes with this setback to her busy life.
I made it back tonight in time for the grief group which was excellent and helpful. Often funny and often tragic people open their experiences and feelings to find support from the other members. Someone brought the best strawberries of the year tonight with some non fat whipped cream, very tasty. Now I'm home unwinding. Art has been especially helpful today knowing this has been a tough week with huge money worries, blue moments due to the 6 month anniversary passing and extreme joy in seeing the new little one in action and getting to spend time with Keanna and Nikki. Yes a check did come in the mail today which is most welcome. The hardest part is to decide which of many financial obligations I need to work with first. There are so many.
So my friends and family, thanks for your prayers and support this week, for the text messages, calls, emails. What a huge help it is to be remembered and loved. One of the high moments of the day is talking to Nikki and Jason, knowing they are OK and doing well means everything to me. On Sunday I'll drive down to see Clayton, Jo's brother graduate at MBA. I think I have to do special music this week in Tracy but I'm not sure if it was this week or the next that Sylvia asked me to help with. I'll find that out tomorrow and practice if I'm expected. It will be the first special music I've done in years, should be fun providing the voice will still work.

Good night my friends and family,




Anonymous said...

Hi Tim,

Good to see You yesterday for a few minutes as We transfered the Ramps & Tracks from Our Storage to Your Car. We are glad that Pam can put them to good use. At the same time We are so very thankful that We do not need them for Carrol at this time.

Hope to see You this Evening at 5:00 at Marie Calendars for Dinner & Free Piece of Pie for My Birthday.

Carrol & I are planning a short trip to Lake Tahoe on Monday, We were able to get a bargain price on a room for one night wuth Our Game Cards so that we will be able to spend some time with Our Friends the Andersons. Larry has an Accounting Seminar of some kind up there Monday but will be done by 5:00 so We will have Dinner together and then have the Evening to Play Cards & Dominoes in the room. Probably will try a few coins on the casino floor too in the morning while Carrol sleeps in. It will be back to Lodi on Tuesday afternoon. Looks like the weather will be great. We will stop at Apple Hill for a Pie & Jelly on the way back.

Have a good day,

Love You,

Bob & Carrol.

Anonymous said...

Hi Tim, We just got home this afternoon from our Alaska Cruise with some great people from Lincoln Hills! It was so exciting to see the pictures of the new baby and to know she arrived safely. Nikki looks good and Kallie is just beautiful, even Gerry said she was pretty! She certainly has lots of lovely dark hair. Keanna will be a good sister. We loved the family picture with you, your kids and grandkids. Now on the cruise that picture would have cost you $24.95 and of course you'd want the book to put it in for the bargin price of $9.95. We heard from Cinda and she will not be able to sing at Lincoln on June 14. Her father passed away and that is the day they will have a memorial for him in Lodi. Gerry got a shot glass for Marilyn T's son-in-law from Alaska. We will look forward to seeing her on her next visit and give her the glass. You are so absolutely right about Nan wanting to see her new grandbaby. We all have happy memories of Nan and loved her so much. I have a bathing suit that she picked out for me when we were in Hawaii at your condo that time. I'm so glad I have it as I am doing water walking and have "something to wear." I can still hear her saying "hey, Barbie, here's a perfect bathing suit for you." It has a ruffle across the top and covers my masectomy scars. What a gal!! The Good Lord seems to send in the money just in the nick of time for you, Tim, so be patient and wait upon the Lord. What a nice experience you had with the SDA who has the sick wife. I'm sure you could minister to him. Sorry to hear about Pam and her heal surgery. Cherrio for now. Love, Barbie

Anonymous said...

Uncle Tim,

What a beautiful family you are blessed with! Tell Keanna that her cousins, Gunnar and Camden, in Texas can't wait to meet her and Kallie one day! Love to all!

Shay & Rodney