Saturday, June 21, 2008

Taxi Tim

Dear Family and Friends,

She is coming. Dana has confirmed that she and Anthony will be on a Southwest direct non stop from Houston tomorrow at 12:15. I so hope she is able to make the trip. I think Keanna and I are going to meet them in Oakland. Suddenly there are several more things I would like to have done before they arrive but you know what, I am just delighted that she is getting to come visit and to help Nikki.

Today I was taxi driver for Pam and Terry, her cousin from Wales. What a wonderful person he is, kind to a fault, totally misguided on politics and just a delight to be around. He lost his beloved wife of 49 years nearly the same time we lost Nan so he is in a bit of a recovery time as well. He came to visit Pam and to witness Shanon's graduation and returns on Monday afternoon. He has been a huge boost to Pam in this tough time with her ankle just starting to heal from the surgery and broken bones. We had a day with visits to some of San Francisco's special places. It was a very warm day even in SF though when the wind came in the air began to cool a bit. I've just returned from Lodi after dropping them off. The van really showed its fine colors today with plenty of room for the wheel chair, comfortable seating, quiet interior.

So this will be short tonight as I'm very tired and ready to get a bit of rest before tomorrow dawns. I've included some photos of Timothy that Jo sent today. He is growing so fast and will soon be reaching for the car keys.

love to all,


1 comment:

Deborah W said...

That little guy is adorable! Enjoy your company, and the cooler weather! Deborah