Thursday, June 12, 2008

Kallie goes to tumbling class!

Dear Family and Friends,
This afternoon Nikki called to let me know Keanna was going to a tumbling class so I hurried up and drove over to lend support. When I got there Kallie was being held by a lady Nikki knows and finally she gave her up and I got the honors. This tiny little person with wiggly toes and fingers is so fine. While Keanna played and exercised I held the little one. Finally I had to surrender her to her mother to be strapped into her car seat / baby carrier. Then we drove to a nearby Mexican place for a quick dinner. Of course once we were seated the baby woke up and wanted, demanded to eat. So Nikki took the first shift feeding her the bottle and then when I finished I got to hold her and feed her several ounces. She takes her time to eat just like Keanna did but can eat a lot for such a tiny baby. She will not be tiny very long I am afraid. She is so strong and healthy and impossible not to just love with your whole heart. Keanna is being a very very good big sister and is so helpful. We are all so anxious for Dana to come visit. Keanna is counting the days. And frankly so am I.
This afternoon Loree and Scott were getting ready for a huge birthday party for their daughter. They had so much stuff to take to the hall and some huge balloon pieces. I realized that the motorhome, that just sits week after week, would have enough space to hold things so I drove the van to the parking lot and brought the coach to their house. Loree just called from the party to say it all worked out great and they were able to haul everything to the party with plenty of space. I'm so glad it worked out for them. Loree has done so much to help our family over the years and we can never even begin to return the favors.
It took a call from my brother today to let me know that there are many fires burning in Northern California. I had not watched the news lately and had missed the whole thing. Next week Donna and her daughter are coming down for the day to help with finding a home for some of Nan's clothes. Wouldn't that be wonderful to have them used instead of just hanging in the closet, you gotta know Nan would be delighted to be sharing them.
I went to the grief group this evening. Two different people brought yummy treats. Several people shared their feelings of being out of control in their lives, yes they do the right things, take care of their daily duties but have little heart for any of it and little hope for the future. I share some of those feelings as well. What is there to live for? Its like being in a room where a party was held and now there are just present wrappings, popped balloons, empty plates, the party is over.
For me personally the driving force is my precious kids and their precious children. For these little ones Pappa is not some old guy who has made so many mistakes, no he is a guy who really loves to be with them and do fun stuff like go to the park or read books or watch DVDs or go to Sabbath School. I happen to be just silly enough to believe that they need me and that I can be a part of helping them prepare for life and eternity. And in that sense the party lives on, their precious little lives.
love to all,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Tim,

Well here comes the HEAT !!. 94 yesterday and supposed to be 99 today but cooling for the weekend. I guess all We can do is talk about it, can't make it change one way or the other.

Dinner this evening will be at "Strings" in the Eight Mile & I-5 Shopping Center 5:00 You are most welcome to join Us if You like. I have 2 for one coupons so bring a friend if You like.

Got the Patio Gate done Yesterday and the Down Spout in place for the Patio roof to drain directly in to the back Yard drainage pipes that go to the front curb side on Evergreen Dr. Now it's time to think about Painting the House, it has been 15 Years this August 26th since We moved in and there are places that need some attention but all in all it still looks pretty good. Hard to beat a good Stucco outside.

Monday is Clinic day for Carrol and Wed My Sister arrives from Palm Springs for 6 Days. It is really hot down there 114 the other day when I spoke to Her 111 today. She always appreciates the cooler weather here and We rarely disapoint Her on that score.

Movie Yesterday at the Center "27 Dresses " was a "Chick Flick" for sure. I stuck it out like a "Good Husband" and did not complain. There were only 3 Men in the Group watching and about 25 Women.

Have a good Day and call if You can make Supper at "Strings".

Bob & Carrol.