Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Working 9 to 5

Dear Family and Friends,
It is so nice to have Dana and Anthony here in the house. Dana has worked all day in sorting and preparing things to be given to charity. She has Nan's walk in closet nearly completed and has sorted through cook books and many other items. In addition she has prepared tasty meals, supervised life wire Anthony, charmed the dogs, helped Anthony catch a tiny bass and even caught a nap.
I worked in this morning after my walk, then headed for the office to work until it was time to go to the cardiologist office. That visit turned out to be a let down. All the numbers are either the same or worse than the last visit and my lack of dropping pounds is showing in the results. The doctor changed one medicine which will help with both the good and bad cholesterol as well as the triglycerides. In spite of my daily walking the blood pressure has risen again from where we were a month ago. And to sort of round out the doctor visit experience the key to the bug broke into and will cost $111 to replace plus two hours at VW. So for now I just will use two pieces and make due.
With all the excitement around the house I am finding less time to work which is both a blessing and a curse. I love the fellowship and the fun but I do need to keep the clients happy as well.
Tomorrow is a long trip, to Madera to a 2 acre ranchette. Yes it is worth it since the fee is $450 and costs of travel will be less than $50. I think the rest of the family are planning a trip to the Oakland Zoo and that will be fun for them.
I'm so thankful for my precious little kids, Keanna, Kallie and Timothy, what precious expressions of God's love! And speaking of kids, Jason has had a better day, not well yet but better and he finally was able to get some rest today which he desperately needs.
I'm thankful tonight for my helpers, Jean and Loree, life would be much harder without their dedicated and precise work.
I'm so thankful that Roger and Carol were able to make the trip out if even for just a few days. It is my prayer that God will guide them as they move forward with selling Lakemont and then moving on.
For your prayers and loving concern I thank you tonight.



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