Friday, June 27, 2008

Quiet settles in like a gentle fog

Dear Family and Friends,
As peace comes to this household one reflects on the past week. I have experienced a total blessing as Dana arrived last Sunday bringing little Anthony with her. Dana has created magic meals over and over including some steel cut oats for breakfast today, great taste and you could just feel how good they were for the body. Tonight it was cottage cheese loaf, spinach, Lima beans, mashed potatoes, makes you hungry just reading about it. Dana has been working some every day on the walk in closet in my room and now has all of the various items packaged or already delivered to the curb this morning for pickup by a charity organization. She has announced that next week she will be moving me into the large walk in closet where Nan always kept her beautiful things. I guess it makes sense to use the space in a positive manner. I am deeply thankful for the help given with these special things and I include those who were here in December and took some outfits then, then Jerry and Donna and Ruth who came recently and now Dana, the sweeper who is finishing the job. Everyone has lovingly appreciated the quality and selection that Nan made over the years. For those of you who have lost someone very close and special you will understand that there are many chapters in this phase of life, chapters that are being closed one by one, each carries its own pain and memories, yet each needs to happen eventually. There is nothing easy about this process of letting someone slip away who was the center of everything for so many years, for as long as I can remember. It is the most painful process one can imagine yet one that all will face someday unless the Lord comes and takes us while we are still alive.
Today I walked somewhat painfully. Something in my left leg caused shooting pains from time to time and then they would pass. Ken has called already confirming our walking time of 7 am in the morning so we'll see how the legs hold up tomorrow. I have continued to walk in spite of the heavy smoke, walking is just to vital right now.
After seeing a home in Brentwood today I drove on to Walnut Creek to the VW dealer seeking a new key since mine broke in half on Thursday. Yes it works but only barely. While I was there I think I found my next car for some some in the future years. They had their first new Jetta with the ultra clean burning diesel engine on display. It is so clean burning that they put a white towel over the tail pipe and nothing soiled it while the engine was running. I had heard that a new generation of clean burning diesels were about to be introduced and today I saw one. Rated at about 44 mpg by an independent company the car is roomy and is reported to have excellent power. Unlike my bug which has a manual 5 speed the new car has a new kind of high tec transmission. My intention is to sell the Odyssey once all the guests have come and gone this summer. I will miss its room and ability to hold 7 people with ease but I will not miss the high monthly payment. The problem is this, the bug has turned 172,000 miles and has many issues working against it. Sooner or later it will fail and then I will need reliable wheels. I'm pretty sure God is fully aware of my need for transportation and will help when the time comes.
Tonight Keanna is here as our guest and we will all go to Sabbath School tomorrow. The kids have been playing and making lots of noise, sort of like family music really. Now they are settling down for the night.
I am thankful for so many things this evening, for a noisy house, for a house that smells like a great restaurant, for cluttered floors with toys, dolls, cars and books, for someone adult to talk to and to reminisce about Nan and better younger days. I am so thankful that Jason is feeling better, that Kallie is growing rapidly, that Keanna is safe and sound, that Steve had a productive week, that Pam is feeling better, that Marilyn is coming the 2nd week of July, that Dana is staying through July 4 and so it goes.
I hope you enjoy your weekend, your families and your blessings.



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Tim,

How good it is that Dana is here to help You get Nan's things cleaned out & Closets arrainged to accomidate Your things, Something that only a Woman can do is organize a Closet.

I took My Walk this Morning for the first time in nearly 2 weeks, finally the cough has subsided and seems to be going away. This Smoke is really something else but seems better this Morning.

We are going to Apple Hill Sunday for Larsons(Harold & Lavonne) 50th Party. Should see many friends there including Roger & Carol. Sure hope that the Smoke will not be a factor up there.

I think You should give serious thought to a "Hybrid" Car, You do the type & amount of Driving that can make them realy pay off. I think the Honda Civic is the Best one out there. Gasoline Powered Cars are far less maintence $$'s than Deisel and much better resale too by far!

Have a good Sabbath, Hi To Dana,

Bob & Carrol.