Tuesday, May 5, 2009

A full day, fun in the park with Keanna

Good evening
Just a quick blog tonight. This has been an interesting day. Up early to hit the road by 7 for El Sobrante and then Richmond. After finishing up in Richmond in the rain I headed back to Longs for meds and then home to pick up Keanna at school. I love the way she comes running out full of shouts and joy and then we walk / run to the car to begin our afternoon. Today we headed to the golden arches and then to a surprise place, it was Safeway and I knew she had her eye on some sunglasses. We shopped a bit and she begged an onion ring from the deli (no charge). Then we drove back home so she could play her new game and I could do some work. After 4 we walked to the park where she made a new friend and played her heart out while my heart was in my throat as she swung from bar to bar on those little arms, the same arms that no so long ago were in a cast and with pins. Oh boy the heart races. Then we walked back home where she began to create pictures for her mom's, mothers day is coming you know. She also sang a May day song beautifully, on key and with clear diction.
Nikki came with Kallie a bit later and we had fun talking. Then she headed home and I went back to town to pick up even more meds, that makes $140 today for my co pay. Yikes.
Now its time to go to bed. Ken and I walk at 6:30 and then I leave for Sac at 8:15 for an appointment. I hope to hook up with Barb and Gerry but now its too late to call and confirm. Hope they read this. I'll call when I'm on the road in the morning too.
Orders are dropping off now as all the normal people cannot order directly any more. Things look pretty bleak. One management company did contact me and I responded on line with the things they were asking for this afternoon. That was a good sign.
Good night all



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