Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Surgery not successful, Suzie is coping.

Dear Family and Friends,
Jerry called mid day to tell me that the surgery at UCSF for Suzie had an unhappy outcome. When the medical team reached the tumor they found it had its roots in the aorta. They determined that the tumor could not be removed. So the surgery lasted a much shorter time than expected and after Suzie woke up her mom had to tell her the sad news. Everyone is shocked and saddened but there is a real sense of fight in the room. Both radiation and chemo will be considered to manage the tumor and try to reduce it. Suzie is a tiny person though and certainly faces serious challenges as she looks forward. While I was planning to drive in to visit Lois wisely pointed out that in my condition with severe coughing, head aches, sore throat and a stuffy head I was not a good candidate to visit someone just beginning to recover from surgery. Instead I did an inspection of a beautiful home in Brentwood and then came home.
This morning Ken had not called so I decided to take the walk on my own. I managed pretty good time and then did a bit of house cleaning in case someone was coming to stay tonight. Then after oatmeal and a good shower I settled in for work in the office.
You've heard me mention conditions before. Conditions are things the underwriter wants changed in the appraisal report you have submitted. They can be all the way from tiny spelling changes to huge requests for additional information or major changes. Well the set of conditions I worked on this morning cost me 3 hours of precious office time and to add to the joy there is no guarantee that this loan will ever close and if it does not I'll be paid nothing.
I had the sincere pleasure of welcoming Loree back to the office today to work. She waded into getting the files in order and made huge progress. She not only makes the whole office have a nicer scent she also provides excitement for the animals who all took turns visiting her as she worked.
Keanna came to visit this afternoon at 2 and after a quick stop at McDonalds we came back and she also "helped" Loree a lot as they worked side by side. At 4 I took Keanna to the dentist, she was so excited about going. I'm not sure what they do but this girl is a true believer. Did I ever enjoy going to the dentist that much? Doubt it. And speaking of such, I'm starting to have a spot that I can tell will need attention from a dentist but of course that requires money and since there is none of that, lets just hope the pain stays minor.
Its been a day of minimal new business and trying to get the things I have already seen done and out the door. I could use more hours in a day, lots more hours.
I was thinking this evening about divorce. Especially I want to speak to the guys out there who are tempted to think the grass is greener, the other woman is prettier, well she actually might be but take away the makeup and the special clothes and she might not be so extra special. I think it is worth it to try to stick around and fall in love again over and over again rather than jump the fence and try to find happiness over there. Living together is a real challenge and there are times when there is physical beatings taking place that the only answer is the road, get out while you can. However many marriages break up over far less. Why do guys take so long to grow up, to wise up, to learn to listen to their wives? Why do guys think they always have to make the big decisions? I know it has taken me a life time to grow up and I'm not there yet.
A few words to guys, just calm down, listen with your eyes and heart to the real message, not the actual words, admit when you are wrong and when you are right. Try some tenderness instead of being tough. Are your buddies really more fun to be with than your family, sure you deserve buddy time but your family deserves you too.
This old country of ours is not on a good path. There will be huge inflation in the future, higher taxes will effect us all so we need to build even stronger relationships with family and friends, bonds that are not build on financial ties but on much more important ones, ones of the heart. I count my family and friends as the most important part of my life. Having Keanna for a little while this afternoon provided the smiles. At one point she told me, stop trying to impress me with big important words, I was amazed and delighted. I love to explain what things mean, what words mean, how people accomplish what they do. She is a God given blessing to me at this point in both of our lives.
Please put Suzie on your prayer lists, ask others to pray that God will be free to do what He knows is best for her and her family.



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