Thursday, May 7, 2009

gray day

Dear Friends and Family,
Ken and I walked this morning and that seems so long ago. It has been a long dismal day. This morning as I was making oatmeal I also started a loaf of bread. This time I restrained myself and did not open it once. The loaf is not the biggest but is near perfect and very dense. Great bread. I cut a slice and put avocado on it, then I walked out onto the deck and just felt the breeze and watched ducks as they meandered across the lake on a zig zag course.
I've been stuck to this chair most of the day and accomplished almost nothing it seems. Yes I've wrestled my way through conditions, taken some orders, two through a sort of management company called Appraisal Port. They only charge $10 for each order they pass along. The actual work came from Chevy Chase Bank, two foreclosures over in Solano County. They want me to see them tomorrow and then get the reports back to them tomorrow too, well that might not happen but I'll do my best. Plus write a couple reports in the morning too.
I've had a very hard time settling down to work today. As I think about the bigger picture I think that three weeks of constant Zyrtec may be dragging me down mentally. All I want to do is sleep all day.
I think I'm supposed to have the girls tomorrow night, that will be a nice change. They add smiles and laughter to the house, those special things that are totally missing. The dogs try to smile and beg constantly which is sort of humorous.
This afternoon I had to make a quick run to Union City to see a place who tenants were deaf so I had to go through a special interrupter but it all worked out fine. It was a tiny duplex in good condition. Now to write the report first thing in the morning and email it out to the management company for a whopping 1/2 normal fee. Actually I'm glad to have the work.
Its time to sign off and go to bed. Today I was so excited over the mail, it contained a check but then the excitement sort of lost its luster, the check was for $75, not $450 I expected. I know be grateful in little things, I'll tell Honda that when they call again for the payment! Should work out well.

love to all


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