Sunday, May 17, 2009

Timothy makes sure Pappa has a good time!

Dear Family and Friends,

Well I'm home, back to the heat of the valley but the house is cooled to about 80 so its OK. My office has a little wall AC which brings it down more for my comfort. Seems strange, last night I had the furnace on in the motorhome and now its AC here. Oh well, what I great time I had. Everything worked out perfectly except for my terrible coughing all the time. I got to see Timothy a little on Friday night and spent the day with him on Sabbath. Timothy is a typical little boy and is very bright, alert, willfull, strong, determined and a good eater. He is a blast to watch in action. Whether it is at the beach or in the pool he is happy and moving.

The entire trip worked out well. I was able to see a property on Friday on the way and then enjoyed the motorhome, so did the dogs. This morning we rose about 8 and went for a walk. A huge group of bikers were riding their bikes through the campus, I think maybe thousands of them in all. The dogs thought that was interesting to watch all the people riding by. It made me tired to watch them, so much energy and fitness.

Jason help guide me out of the yard and around the guy wire and I was on my way. I've slowed down in the coach to just about 55. I seem to get a lot better mileage and I'm much more relaxed at that speed. Just get over in the slow lane and let the mob pass me by. I listened to more old time radio shows coming home as I drove. Since arriving home I've performed two inspections of properties and have one written and the partially written. I still have 6 appraisals to get to right away and they range from Ceres to Vacaville, Hayward to Martinez.

LeAnn had been so kind to bring the mail in. I found a fat envelope from the company that owes me so much money and it contained payment for 4 appraisals. What a huge boost that makes and I can do payroll with it.

I ventured into CostCo this afternoon after the second appraisal appointment. It was hot outside but nice inside the new Antioch store. I purchased more mocha, some diet ice tea, zero calories!, a case of olives, whole wheat buns and a case of lentil soup. It was fun to take a break and just go shopping.

The trip was well worth it and I still have 1/4 of the tank of fuel remaining. I would have liked to stay a couple more days to spend more time with Timothy but with work now on my desk I decided I needed to be responsible for a change.
Sending love to all tonight,

The photos show Jason, Jo and Timothy plus a snap shot of how the dogs travel with me as we go down the road.

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