Saturday, May 23, 2009

Miss Keanna goes to Sabbath School

Fun is watching Keanna as she warms up to her Sabbath School class with Sylvia as the teacher and then begins to enjoy all the activities and stories. Fun is seeing her read better and better every day, write letters and words, seeing her face burst into a smile when I put Tiny Tim on my name tag this morning and she read it and then realized how funny it was for her overweight pappa to call himself Tiny Tim.

After we left childrens church which was very well planned and executed I asked Keanna where she wanted lunch. She decided against chicken nuggets, I ask why and she mentioned that she had them twice yesterday and she thought 8 nuggets were enough for awhile so she selected Olive Garden. We went and ordered from a very nice lady and then Nikki drove in with Kallie and they enjoyed lunch as well. Afterwards Keanna came home with me to play a new game in her VSmile game. We discovered to our horror that Starr had graced the little game from every side expressing her upset mood. It was a mess and after cleaning and cleaning it still would not work. That was very frustrating and while one might feel like administering heavy duty punishment I know from experience that Starr would have no idea of why she was being punished since time had passed since her indescrition. Still it just really makes one angry. The game has set on the floor for months without any problem and now suddenly it become a fire hydrant!

After a bit I took Keanna home so she could play and enjoy her afternoon. Steve has created a new addition to an already perfectly landscaped rear yard, this time its a pond with a hand carved tikki pouring a stream of water from its mouth. The pond is complete with a little wooden bridge. He has so much color, palm trees, shrubs, childrens play area complete with sand box, hot tub, shaded patio. Wow its impressive.

I came home fully intending to get some rest and I put on the 3ABN dish and enjoyed a musical program. Earlier Keanna had enjoyed the children's musical program and comments on how nicely the children sang. She has a proven method of knowing how old kids are. If they have adult teeth then they are older than 6 and if they have missing teeth then they are 5 or 6. Its so interesting observing how well kids read life.

This evening my trip to Safeway got sidetracked as I accidentally happened on a Bourne movie, the latest in the series of three. They are always so exciting, full of action and amazing acting. I also managed to figure out how my HD DVR works. Up to this time I see it recording from time to time but I had no idea what it was recording or how to see what was recorded and waiting. By pushing buttons and trial and error I finally found how it works. Nice! Its only been about three months! Quick learner here.

Today was a really good day for checks. Keanna pulled out three envelops and all three were from lenders. Some of Loree's good work is paying off, one was from a company for an appraisal done in January and they just forgot to pay. Loree's statements prompted them to action. Also I was paid for three appraisals from the company that owes me so much money, that makes about 5 or 6 for the week. Tomorrow I'll make the house payment and I'm saying a huge thank you to the Lord for His blessings.

I've been reading in a book Jason gave me nearly a year ago. Everything makes perfect sense and I intend to purchase the foods I need for this formula to not only dump weight but also help push back my diabetes. I know it involves eating a lot of raw veges and fruits, it is based on salads as the basis for eating. Of everything I have read this seems to pull it all together better than any other thing I've been exposed to. It would be wonderful to be able to pull on size 36 pants again. I have a closet full of them, just waiting for me to move forward with health. I'm sensing it is time to take steps for health. How is it with you? Have you been putting off taking the steps needed for better health?

I plan to share every step with you the reader, steps I take, foods I enjoy, foods I miss, weight report. Maybe we can lose together. Maybe we can live longer and better with more energy.

I've sure been glad to hear back from you regarding some of the the things I've been saying lately. Feedback is good, changing an adult lifestyle is hard, very hard.

So good night my friends and family,

love to all


1 comment:

Bob and Carrol. said...

Good Morning Tim,

Our Sabbath went well too, Choir numbers were good and now We will enjoy the Summer with No Choirs till Mid September.

We enjoyed a good lunch, after the Services, at Co-Co's here in Lodi. Last evening some fun "Train" time with friends. Today We rest up for Memorial Day Band Concert at the local Cemetary & Lunch at the Veterns Hall in Woodbridge. Let's hope this beautiful mild weather will continue. Sure nice to have the temp in the 75/85 range, wouldn't it be grand if it would only stay that way for the whole Summer!

Hope Your weight reduction methods will bring You down to the size that You would like to be, I think as We age We need to adjust to Our increased "Girth", We all struggle with an expanding waist line.

Have a good Holiday and a Great week ahead.

Love You,

Bob & Carrol.