Wednesday, May 13, 2009

moving ahead.

Good evening
I'm just back from Safeway after picking up a few things to keep the frig from being empty. Lois treated me with a salad at McDonalds this evening. The salad was great and I've found a dressing that is very low in calories but great in taste. Thankyou Lois.
Last night after I blogged I headed for bed. After about an hour of sleep I woke up and was experiencing some strange pains in my chest. I thought it through and decided that they were from coughing so hard and so long all day and not heart problems. Giving up on going back to sleep and beginning to run through all the bad moments of the day I ventured downstairs, got a glass of water, rinsed out the sinus cavity and wrote some emails. Finally I felt better and went up and right to sleep so getting up this morning was not all that fun. However the second I woke up I knew I was feeling better. Today I've had much less illness and less head ache, less pressure. I've also been able to get some things done including doing on line applications for a couple more management companies. Loree was here and is going great at getting all the files in order, the checks logged in and the paid files put away in the garage. Its been nice to have her here working so hard to get things in order.
Suzie had a pretty good day and is looking forward to the battle ahead for her. She won't get to really have a discussion with the doctor until tomorrow afternoon as the doctor has become ill and was out today. Donna and family have been faithfully standing by helping and encouraging her. If I feel better I will try to get by and see her tomorrow afternoon. I have to plan ahead as SF is not just around the corner and with traffic it can get tough to manage.
I am continuing to pray and hope for work, so far none has come in and that side of my board is the clearest it has been for as long as I can remember. Even FHA orders are come getting through and they are not effected by the changes required by FNMA. To think that FNMA is lecturing and brow beating us about our work is amazing. They are the root of the problem the entire industry is in, making terrible loans and forcing those loans on America, now they lecture us and ruin our lives. pretty amazing.
Yes I am fairly upbeat. I believe that things will work out. This weekend I'm considering getting out of town and visiting Jason, Jo and Timothy at MBA. The weather is supposed to be perfect and it will be wonderful to get to see the little guy in action again. He is nearly 2 years old as Kallie approaches her 1 year mark. Having the chance to be in the middle of all these little people is just great stuff on every front.
So how are you doing? Are you holding up OK in spite of the times we live in? How I treasure any contact we get to have with each other. I feel that in spite of losing my precious Nan I remain a very fortunate person in the wealth of all my friends, people caring about people is the highest form of Christianity. Its what Jesus did, its what we get to do.
Love to all


1 comment:

Bob and Carrol. said...

Good Morning Tim,

Well I guess Summer will arrive this weekend. They are saying 100 degrees by Sunday. Don't think I'm ready for that.

You will probably have it very nice at MBA should You chose to drive over there.

We are busy with Choir Practice getting ready for Our last Service appointments on the 23rd at Farimont and the 9th at E.Oaks. Then it will be no Choirs till Late September to let everybody get in their Vacations, etc.

You might give some thought to coming over for either or both of those dates. We could do lunch and maybe a Game or two later in the afternoon.

As always We will keep You in Our Prayers and thank You for doing the same for Us.

Love You,

Bob & Carrol.