Monday, September 28, 2009

Another day several more dollars!

Dear Family and Friends,
As I write this evening I'm smiling from just having been on the phone with my elderly brother! Actually he moves better than I do and certainly has his weight much more in control. He is so much fun to talk to and he reports that things are getting back to a sort of normal there. He spent time in his garden which happens to be a work of art and picked some wild blackberries today, now doesn't that sound relaxing and enjoyable?

We walked this morning and then I made oatmeal. I went right to work and finished up an appraisal for a purchase in Vacaville and emailed that to the lender, my friend Judy who has just had a baby and longs to be able to sleep again.

During the day various bill collectors called and it amazes me, they never look at their screens or they would have a clue as to why I'm slow in getting some bills paid, they ask the same questions every week and frankly I'm tiring of answering. I always get the bills paid, just not as quickly as they would like. This evening one really got to me while I was shopping at CostCo and just would not quit in spite of the fact that I had made the payment he was after on line this morning. I know one line of work I would not like to do in the future, make collection calls. I'm afraid I would not have the nasty attitude it takes to be successful at it.

The mail today was just what I like, some trash envelopes but nestled in between were two slim envelopes, both were checks from lenders and both were very welcome. Those two envelopes covered over half the house payment, yea! Thank you Lord.

Yet when I was out and about and had completed the Brentwood appraisal and was heading to the Castro Valley one I stopped at Taco Bell and the business account credit card would not work, mind you I had just put over a $1,000 in and yet it would not work. Fortunately the other card worked and I got my much desired feast. The weather was much cooler here today than the past few days and the house AC hardly came on at all. I'm ready for a break from the intense heat.

Well tomorrow is another work day and I have several that need to be written and delivered. I am thankful for the work and am hoping for more to arrive. The other day I happened to be in Yahoo and was on a page showing appraisers located near to Discovery Bay. In comparison to the old days when there were about 3 of us there must be 15 or 20 now. No wonder it is harder to find work with all these upstarts many who are willing to work for any amount no matter how small. Pretty challenging to compete with that. I know how little shops feel when KMart or WalMart comes to town and sells every thing for less. many of these appraisers have very little experience but at the present time lenders don't seem to care, how cheap and how quick? Those are the key questions with many orders.

Sending love to all,


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