Wednesday, September 23, 2009

A rather busy day

Good evening,
This has been a productive day. I've heard it was warm outside but it stayed comfortable in my office where I remained pushing paper, punching keys and making sense out of data. I started early, Ken had meetings so I came down and worked. I wrote two appraisals, fixed another one and picked up Keanna at 12:45, then to McDs for snack, then back home for homework under Marilyn's watchful eye. At 3:40 I had her at Willys Bagels where a music class takes place in a meeting room. Getting to the meeting room is terrible, the place is jammed with rude kids just out of high school and not a bit interested in moving out of the way, not an impressive bunch at all. Keanna loves her class and at 4:50 I went back and sat in on the last of the class with Keanna. Then were off to meet up with her Daddy and Kallie at a local mexican place. Keanna wanted to eat there because the Mariachi band plays on Wednesday nights. Sure enough they started and it was loud. Keanna loved it and so did Kallie.
We headed to Tracy with Lois in tow to attend a meeting of the 40 days of love under the direction of Sylvia. Now we are home and getting things together for our trip.
Tomorrow morning Ken and I will walk our 3 miles. Then I'll take a quick shower and we will load up in the car to drive to Vacaville to see a house, then on to Sac airport to pick up Dana, Suzie's younger daughter, then we will drive to Weed and attend the services for Suzie. On Friday we will head back and attempt to do an appraisal in Shasta County way out in the sticks. Eventually we'll arrive back at home Friday afternoon or evening.

So wish us well as we travel on this mission of saying a final good night to Suzie, our brave little lady.

love to all



Bob and Carrol. said...

Hi Tim & Marilyn,

God bless You and give You a safe Trip and comfort during this most difficult time.

Much Love & prayers,

Bob & Carrol.

Deborah W said...

Drive safe!
