Saturday, September 26, 2009

Oh the weekend!

Hi from my desk,

What a relaxing day this has been for after the hundreds of miles driven yesterday it was nice to roll out and walk with Ken this morning, then sort of take it easy until the memorial service for John Coleman at a local church. Several friends from the grief group were there. The pastor did a masterful job for John and his family. John was not a simple man, he had been in the special forces during the Vietnam war and had many secrets he never shared about his missions and his actions during that time. Over the years he had come near to death from wounds but it was lung cancer that was the final straw.
After the service his wife opened their home for a sort of wake and many people joined the family. She is a gracious and lovely woman who had to endure years of John's increasingly weakened condition. She will endure and plans to be back at work on Monday, she thinks that is the best way for her to cope. We are all different and work, routine can be an excellent healer.
After the service I came home and finding the house comfortable with the AC holding off the 102 temperature I napped for hours. Pam texted me a few times as she drove across Nevada for a cross country trip she is on. Later I stumbled out of bed feeling my age and weight and came downstairs. I decided that instead of snacking I would create a decent meal. I steamed a package of veges and at the same time browned some meal started in olive oil. As it cooked I broke an egg into the burger and mixed it up. Then I put the burger meal started over the warm veges and enjoyed a very nice meal.
Then it was time to settle into the recliner and find the Mentalist on the DRV. I just love that guy in action and the whole group of actors that make up the show. This evening I've had several really great calls from friends, it is so pleasant to be able to share life and feelings with friends who understand and are also facing challenges in their lives. The give of friendship, two people expressing support, listening, reflecting, sharing common experiences, this gift is very precious indeed. It can't be purchased, or sold, or handed off to someone else. It is the essence of loving and living.
Now its time to head to bed and rest up for a big work day tomorrow. How blessed I feel to have work.

So love to all,


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