Thursday, September 17, 2009

Miles miles miles

Dear Family and Friends,
As I write this evening it is with a sense of satisfaction in how today has gone. This morning started early as I was needed to assist with the little angels. It was a charmed moment when I looked up and Keanna stood still with wonder in her eyes as she realized that pappa was there to take her to school. Another very special moment was standing before Kallie's little bed and watching her wake up, grab her dollie and place it lovingly on a little pillow. We had a great morning and Keanna was a huge help with everything.
After I delivered them to their respective places for the day I traded van for bug and left for Novato. Traffic was nasty in a few places but I arrived just a few minutes late to find a beautiful remodeled home with pool and very nice owners. When I completed the comps and headed to Stockton the GPS had me going the wrong way but was it really. For as I drove across Rio Vista I discovered that a detour had been established forcing me to drive half way to Sacramento by the river and then across the fields to Freeway 5 and then down to Stockton. When I arrived I found the agent already there with the little house open for inspection. It was cute, clean but showed its age a bit. Of course what do you expect for $90,000? After completing the inspection and subsequent comp search my warning light was on and as I looked closer I discovered I had driven 547 miles on that last tank of diesel. Not bad for a car with 203,000 on it. I put in $10 knowing I had that much in the bank and headed home. Upon arrival several nice surprises waited. First off a check for $450 was in the mail for an appraisal I did a couple months ago. Entering the office I discovered two new orders had arrived and one I had on my desk was offering to pay by AMEX. Well I jumped on that. Looking at my online banking I discovered that an AMEX payment I had entered days ago had finally come through for yet another $450. All in all it was a very good day.
So tomorrow will find me back on the road heading to Petaluma and then Stockton for two more purchases. That will make an amazing 5 orders for the week, wow, I'm impressed, thank you Lord for knowing best.
This evening Marilyn created a steamed vege feast. It was amazing, brown rice, asparagus, squash, broccoli, burger crumbs and all cooked to perfection. I'm stuffed and in a very good way.
Thank you for your prayers and kind thoughts. Tonight I'm enjoying a moment of hope!



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