Wednesday, January 21, 2009

A day goes wrong

Dear Friends and Family,
If it could it did! I rose this morning to write a needed appraisal expecting to see two properties, have a coffee appointment with a client and end up at Sylvia's tonight for a bible study. I settled in this morning and wrote the appraisal, then I began to prepare to leave for the noon appointment which I was anxious about since it had a $400 cod payment which the bank needed badly. At 10:40 the owner called to put off the appointment, he needed more communication with the lender before going forward. So I changed course and started writing a second appraisal. When it was time I left for my appointment in Danville with the loan officer to go over loans to get to know her better. As I was nearing Concord she called to say that the day care had called to tell her that her 4 year old had a fever and needed to be home. Well of course that trumped a meeting and I graciously told her I had little grandchildren and understood completely. Now I was 2 hours early for my afternoon appraisal. Discovering that I was hungry I turned to the Red Robin at the mall and had a very tasty garden burger on wheat and a salad. By the time I finished it was just time to drive over to El Cerrito which is near Highway 80 and Richmond. As I pulled up at the property I could feel a groan emanating from deep within, it was not a single family home at all, it was a 3 unit property. No one had bothered to tell me and the public record just says it is a SFR. Well this meant that all the research I had in the file was worthless and that a second trip would be required. ERRRRR. It was 4:45 when I finished the inspection which included two pit bulls sniffing my every move, yikes! Where was Marilyn when I needed her, she is a pit bull expert and has two of the little darlings at her home in Rhode Island. So I hit the road expecting to be home for about 45 minutes and then drive to Tracy for the bible study. What I forgot was that when it rains the drivers get slow and crazy. I was in traffic barely moving for an hour and a half. I arrived at Sylvia's in Tracy 10 minutes late for the 7 pm meeting. Needless to say I was pretty worn out but the meeting had many interesting moments and at least I was no longer at the wheel. Now I'm home and I hear the rain outside. I want the rain, I want the lakes filled, the mountains covered with 20 feet of snow, bring it on.
So I have very little to show for this day, 1 and 1/2 reports produced, many miles driven, a canceled report, a canceled meeting, a barely started appraisal. But I am safe, home, warm and alone once again. For those of you out there who have lived alone for years I give you my full respect, you seem to have made a success out of it. I feel like life is just slipping by with the only really meaningful moments with the kids and once in a while with a friend. I'm simply not going to live the rest of my life this way and I'm open to God's leading and I'll be content with that.
So now I've said my piece and I'm heading to bed. Somehow I feel like I've earned it!
I had one of those ahah moments today listening to Dr. Laura. She was listening to a caller who said that every time she was doing well with the business she runs she ends up sabotaging it, that she has a very hard time accepting her own success. That really struck me. Like yesterday, I had the whole day to produce appraisals, everything was in order, the computer and Internet was working fine yet at the end of the day I had not produced even one appraisal. Why could I not just settle down and write? Could it be I was a bit afraid of seeing the desk clear, afraid of success? Just something to think about.

Good night my friends,

love to all


Anonymous said...

Hello Tim,
I'm just getting caught up on your blog from the last few days. Sorry, you had a not so good day yesterday. Those kinds of days will happen from time to time. It teaches patience I hear.

As far as walking alone. I rather enjoy that time. It's a good time to talk to the Lord and think of His goodness to us. Also a good time to share your frustrations with Him. He understands and will give you peace.

I don't see anything the last couple of days about your cough... Is it better finally? I hope so.

So, you think you are cold? It has been in the single digits here in the a.m.'s lately. Brrrr! Today it has warmed up to 48 degrees. Roger got brave and is painting the Lakemont Sign this afternoon. I hope it truly is warm enough. At least the paint won't freeze today.

Take care, my friend. Better days are ahead.

We love you ~ Carol

Anonymous said...


What a blessing this Rain is, how We do need it!

We went to Jackson this Morning for Games & Lunch with Friends and managed to earn 6 entrys in the big cash drawing (50k) which will take place on the 4th when We are up there for the Movie,Dinner & a free night at the Hotel. There will be 14 tickets drawn from 6:00 to 11:00 pm, let's hope We hold a winner!!.

Is Your Furnace still doing the WARM thing? hope so. We do need the warmth these days.

Choir Practice again tomorrow evening We sing again on the 21st so need to get to work on the Music.

Have a good night of rest and let the sounds of rain coming down sing You to sleep.

Love You,

Bob & Carrol.