Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Good news in the blood work

Dear Family and Friends,
The visit to Dr. Makker this morning proved to be informative. Cholesterol was 129, Triglycerides 140, A1C 6.5. The last one should be 6 or less but the other numbers were encouraging. And in spite of my general funk I actually lost a pound. Dr encouraged me to see myself fit and in shape rather than be overly concerned about the current weight. He is such a calming influence and even suggested a book, Money, and the Law of Attraction, learning to Attract wealth, health and happiness by Esther and Jerry Hicks.
After the office visit my next destination was Lodi and an inspection of a home under construction. By then I was really feeling hungry as I have to to to the doctor's office each time with a 4 hour fast. I found the local Coco's had not closed yet like so many other branches of that chain have. They make a really good garden burger with mushrooms and fruit on the plate.
Then it was back to Discovery Bay to inspect a home for a rush appraisal, then on to the school to pick up her highness, Ms Keanna. She was fun of stories and energy. We drove back to the office so I could quickly do research for comps, then to McDonalds. What fun to watch her view other patrons and then make quiet comments, some pretty insightful regarding their manners or dress. Then we shot photos of 6 houses. She turned out to be a big help with her sharp eyes as she would spot the house we needed after I said the number. Then it was back to the office for a quick condition and then we drove to a local park so she could try to do herself great damage by falling or flying. Fortunately we delivered her to her home in one piece. However her parents were both recovering from encounters with dentists today, Nikki could not articulate words and Keanna thought her very funny. Steve's face was swollen from his root canal. Yikes, a house of misery! They both had great attitudes regarding their experiences, much better than mine would have been as I don't like to go near dental offices at all, nothing personal against long suffering dentists, just don't like pain and suffering all that much. One of my favorite dental experiences was actually across the border in Mexico. The dentist spoke no English and I spoke no Spanish, he simply grabbed my head, pulled it against his tummy, held tight and went to work, he worked well, used pain shots when needed and finished in record time. His work still holds.
This morning my first call was from kind people at the bank informing me my account needed money. I assured them that I was bringing money to deposit. When I got to the bank on my way to Tracy they were not open yet, the ATM was broken so I had to make a drop box deposit. Later in the day the same nice lady called to say, still no money. I nearly lost it when she told me they only check the drop box once a day at 8 am and would not check for deposits until tomorrow. I told her I was really glad to learn that but what was I to do when the ATM was broken, I could not wait until they opened their doors and yet they needed money. She quickly agreed to check the drop box and I see that the check was deposited and credited to my account later in the day. It was an effort to think kind thoughts regarding my bank and she sensed I was upset. I told her I was glad to know about the drop box timing, she said perhaps they should post something to let people know. Later in the day I went back trying to move funds from the business account to the personal account but was told I could not do that since the freshly deposited check had not yet cleared, lovely!
Oh well, they have their rules and they do sort of control the process so I need to adjust and learn or pay $29 every time I gamble wrong.
Now I'm home and enjoying the evening, brown rice and mushroom soup, toast with vege scallops and a fake ice tea. Gourmet all the way.
It was so special to have little Keanna in my space this afternoon. She loves to draw pictures, make little books, she loves to create and she was enjoying sharpening a new pencil obtained at a recent birthday party, she was so proud of the sharp point and how nicely it wrote and I could see that sharp point hurting her. What a challenge to allow freedom yet try to maintain safety. Is it like that with God and us? He loves freedom, expressions of the heart, creativity yet He must have His hands full just keeping us alive as we exist in such a dangerous world now. I often wish I could have a much clearer understanding of how God works, what He is thinking, how He goes about loving in His special ways. For to understand God's ways is a huge step into how we too should live and love for we are created in His image. I just wish I could begin to love in the ways He loves, when God loves it is not with mixed motives, when we love, do good deeds, caring acts they are driven by mixed motives, His are not. He just loves in a pure manner for the sake of love, not returns or better reviews, He just loves for the pure sake of loving. What must that be like really?
So my friends, do take time to express yourselves to the ones that share your space. I speak as one that shares my space with no human being on a regular basis. Take advantage of the opportunities togetherness delivers, give flowers, leave notes, give backrubs, tender kisses, timely phone calls, plan escapes, be creative in your love, put energy into what you could lose at a moments notice.


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