Thursday, January 8, 2009

So much better, wash out those sinus cavities!

Dear Family and Friends,
10:10, this is my idea of going to bed early but I've been talking to friends with good news and the time slips away.
This day has been so much better than even yesterday. I am a great believer in the power of these funny little packets and a squeeze bottle of warm water. You get the water the right temp, tear open the tiny packet and bend your head over the sink remembering to open your mouth. Then you place the little cap of the bottle against one nostril and squeeze the water. You can feel it as it makes its way up into your nasal passages and then comes streaming out the other side, if you forget and close your mouth then you taste salt water in your throat. I hate water in my nose, yes Judy I do, yet this really works great and clears all the stuff out of your head that otherwise just sits and festers. Afterwards you gently blow your nose and then use a couple shots of a nose spray. What happens is the constant drip down the back of your throat is taken away hence no irritation to the lungs and throat. Yes I've had some nasty coughing spells today but not nearly as many as before and my mental health is 100% better. I'm planning, scheming, projecting like normal and I feel like I'm on catch up with my thinking. I know the work production is certainly better for which my clients will be happy. Who could have guessed that such a little low key device could produce so much help. I'm so impressed that I bought more packets so I'm ready and of course they only sell them in boxes of 100. That could be overkill but I'm ready for whatever.
Now in theory my heater is repaired, he was to come between 2 and 4 pm today. However I have no idea if its fixed or not. No note and Lois did not see anyone around so it might be another day to come.
I'm very saddened tonight to hear sad news from our grief group. We lost Doug. He was the bravest guy who just loved to live and was so tender to his grandchildren. His battle with a number of issues that UCSF and local medical people were very involved with was finally lost. Yet he lived even in tough times with such courage that losing him is all the more difficult. His wife has been an amazing caregiver and I know a bit about being one. She continued with her very important job at the lab as well as cared for him in a professional manner.
I arrived at group 20 minutes late tonight due to some very slow traffic on the bridge as I was getting out of Palo Alto. I had 90 minutes to make it but traffic caused that time to lengthen. When I pulled into the parking lot to discover many many cars I just pulled out. No way was I going to arrive 20 minutes late and disrupt the entire group. Instead I drove to Longs where my meds that normally cost me $10 co pay were $299 tonight. Seems the yearly deductible of $1,000 has not been reached. I was shocked and angered but what do you do? Go without meds and walk out or pay and move on. I had just collected a check in Palo Alto for $400 so in a way its OK. I had planned other things for that money, like paying other bills. So goes life.

Its nice to be home safely tonight after battling traffic to Oakland and then to Palo Alto and finally home. I've been thinking today of how Nan lived her life when she was healthy. I really admire her ability to just life, not worry, no try to impress, just live and love, plan fun things for the family, buy everything QVC has to offer and sleep well at night. She was at peace with everything in her life, with everyone and had a calm faith that carried her forward. I miss her gentle ways, her humor much of which I can never reveal since she had earthy moments and often. Living with her was never boring but felt so comfortable and reassuring. Now take me, I worry all the time about nearly everything, I do care what people think and about making everyone happy and pleased. She just thought that was funny and a waste of time. Even when she was training appraisers she was not shy about telling them when they had messed up. She was a great teacher, a good business person and an asset to her family. I was very fortunate. I often told her I married up and she would remind me to not forget that in a kidding sort of way.
As time passes I am more and more content to live, plan, prepare, clean, cook, bake, learn to be alone. I doubt that I'll be alone forever but one never knows. Its not a high priority at this time.
So my friends once again I remind you to care for the ones you love now, this weekend and make life more than ordinary, do special things, loving things, take risks and push the envelope. What do you have to lose, your boring present existence, to bad, go for it.
Sending waves of love to all tonight, first wave to my kids and their kids, then other family, then friends and their friends and clients and so it goes.




Anonymous said...

Thanks for your open and candid comments in regards to our nasal cavities! :) You made me laugh out loud early in the day. What a treat!

Deborah W said...

So glad you are feeling better! Maybe my husband has a teensy bit of credibility after all; he swears by squirting stuff up one's nose while I can hardly stand the thought, ha ha! Have a great weekend! Deborah