Sunday, January 25, 2009

Here we go again, a new week is upon us

Dear Family and Friends,

So Ken gets back to town and suddenly I 'm out walking again, is this guy good or what, not only that when I was not looking LeAnn trimmed the roses and the bottle brush plants and they look great.

Midday I drove to Calestoga to attend a memorial service for Larry Seyfang's mom who died in December. Larry was once the principal of the Tracy SDA School and went to work for Vogel Appraisal, in January I joined him at the appraisal company and we both were trained by the best, Howard and Dolly Vogel. Larry's mom had been ill for some time and finally passed but the memorial service was just held today. Once I arrived I was so glad that I could be there to support Larry. He has been through a lot and like me is suffering from less appraisal work than is normal. His marriage broke up awhile back too so he lives alone.

After visiting with Larry and Dolly, Bart and Julie Vogel I left, stopped at the Taylor Refresher in St Helena for a vegeburger and then drove to Milpitas where Jason and Jo were attending a birthday party for their friend Natalie. We traded cars and I got to drive home a very clean and fully fueled van once again. Oh how nice the heated seat felt and the trip home was shortened by a couple calls to brother Jerry and friend Art. Now I'm home, the house is wonderfully warm and I'm getting sleepy. Tomorrow will either have one appraisal or three depending on follow up calls I'm about to make.

I do look forward to a new week, already there is the challenge of money, actually the shortage of it but somehow I think God is much more aware of my situation than even I am so it will work out.

Its time to move forward, leave the sadness behind and see what adventures lie just ahead.


Timothy was getting pretty tired after his big day. He is growing so fast with new words nearly every day. Keanna reported her first loose tooth today, I've explained to all of them that they don't need to rush this growing up process, just stay little so we'll see how that goes.

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