Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Long day, home safe

Dear Family and Friends,
9:50 and I'm finally home. Ken and I walked in the very cold morning and then I worked at completing an appraisal for friend Judy. Then it was time to leave for Monterey. When I reached Livermore I realized I was very hungry so a quick Taco Bell burito and two cups of water and I was once again on the road. I drove about 130 miles before arriving at a lovely home on over an acre. The house looked better than Sunset Magazine, what fun to discover beauty in every room. Then using the GPS the comps were shot. Then I called Oakland to see if I could see in the inside of the house where I was turned away the other day. They graciously said I could. Well at rush hour traffic it is a very long road from Monterey to Oakland and it took over 2 hours many miles at just 20 miles per hour. With that inspection behind me I pointed the bug toward Olive Garden in Antioch. However when I was near I realized that I could not eat and get to Longs for meds too. The meds were more important so I settled for a cheese sandwich at In and Out Burger, not bad really.
I was so anxious as I approached the counter at Longs. I knew that if I had to pay full price for the meds it would never clear using the visa tied to the business account and I'd be out of luck. I knew the $1,000 deductible had not yet been reached. So she rang up the three meds and the total was...................$70, not $400 or $500. I was thrilled, elated and overjoyed. I'm not sure what happened but I was not there to argue. I paid and left rapidly. Now my meds are back in order again.
It has been a good day, a safe day and I did drive rather fast when I could.
We received sad news from Jo about Timothy. He has picked up a pretty heavy duty illness requiring some strong medicine, he is coughing and miserable. Please pray for little Timothy, hearing a little one cough is just to awful. Please Lord help Timothy to heal quickly and give his parents strength to endure.
Thank you friends and family. Dana called this afternoon with sad news. Nan's step father, Durwood Palmer passed to his rest yesterday. He would have been 100 on his next birthday. He was a very very special godly man and I am very glad I got to know and love him.

Love to all,


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