Friday, January 2, 2009

A peaceful night at MBA

Dear Family and Friends,
I'm relaxing in the motorhome with Starr and Lady after spending a totally enjoyable evening with Jason, Jo, Jo's aunt, Sara and Clayton. Timothy was in rare form and is sleeping the night away.
We had a tasty pizza and then sat around and talked about important things in the warmth of their living room. Clayton leaves early in the morning for his passage back to Walla Walla University.
I drove down this afternoon after a morning of packing, finding all the matching linen for the bed for the very first time and making up the bed with everything fresh. The dogs began to be very excited this morning when they realized that a trip was in the planning stages. They watched the door very carefully and every time I went in or out they were there not wanting to miss their big chance to race to the motorhome and jump aboard. What fun they are as I drive, they watch out the front and side windows and then rest by the heater. The weather was just nasty today, cold, damp and uninviting. Jason promised sunshine so we'll see how he does tomorrow.
I continue to cough frequently, I wonder if it will ever subside.
Well here we are well into the new year. I don't know about you but I love new beginnings, I love the chance to come here to MBA and rest up, to spend fun time with the kids, to enjoy the ocean air and have a total chance in scenery. Then I reluctantly turn and head home knowing I'm in that time of my life when I need to really produce in my work which there is work to do. I like Monday mornings, a fresh start and I look forward to driving home each night to rest up for the new day. I love Friday afternoons as I know the Sabbath is about to start and with it I leave the week and its challenges behind for a bit and rest in my Lord.
We find ourselves in a world that does not give much indication of what God originally created. My friends and family, this is no eden. No its a world of hunger and pain, of suffering, of disease and loss, of wars and fear of wars. Many of us are not even sure if our homes are secure or our jobs. It is a time of great unease.
During times like these we would do well to spend more time together, supporting, loving, listening, helping, building, relating. Several people have sent really wonderful email messages today, one about a woman's Red Coat was especially thought provoking. This wonderful community of friends and family help each other even in sending emails that are beautiful, helpful, insightful and touching. One never knows what little ideas begin to be formed by the sending of a thoughtful email. Ideas that can end up changing our little world of influence which surrounds each of us.
Tomorrow we will enjoy spending time with friends and family here at the house. These are really great people, caring, creative and warm. It is an honor to be allowed to be here and share in the fellowship. I hope to see some sunshine tomorrow and to take a nice long walk with the dogs along the beach, to see gulls and pelicans, perhaps some dolphins. This is such a special place.
I'm hoping that you have a delightful weekend with time to worship, to communicate with loved ones between games on TV and to recharge your batteries that are probably a bit low after the holidays and their short nights of rest.
Sending love to all, especially to my girls who came by this morning for just a minute, what a mood changer a minute with the little kidos can be.



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