Saturday, June 20, 2009

Keanna in action!

How I wish I could include a clip of her doing her things today. Keanna was in two shows and even though she was just involved in one number it was great to watch. I just held my breath hoping she would not fall. She knew her steps and movements and seemed to have a great time. There were over 200 kids involved in the show and the parking was pretty awful. I got Keanna there right on time so we found parking nearby but when Nikki arrived a few minutes later she had to park across the street in a park. It all worked out great and Keanna was so pleased that she had the chance to dress up so cute and perform.
After the fun was over I stopped at our new Red Robin at the Streets of Brentwood shopping center. They have a wonderful gardenburger and salad there. Once I got home Starr joined me for a long nap in the recliner. During the afternoon the wind grew very strong and even blew some things over next door nearing pinning Lois to the rail. She escaped injury but the umbrella was broken in the process and couple plants went overboard.
So now its time to sleep and I have many fond memories of Keanna in action today. Thank the Lord for family.
Jason and Jo were bringing Timothy up this afternoon for a visit but his fever returned yesterday and he is not feeling well at all. They have really had quite a battle with a nasty virus that keeps him coughing and not feeling well at all. Timothy needs all of our prayers tonight. Needless to say they could not make the trip.

Love to all


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