Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Lunch with the Pedens

Dear Family and Friends,
This morning started with a brisk walk in some rather cool air. A few minutes into the walk raindrops became a downpour so we hurried up and found a tree for shelter. After just a few minutes the rain had stopped and there was that wonderful fresh smell when rain reaches the earth.
After breakfast I continued work on putting things in order and then drove to Stockton to meet Roger and Carol at the new Olive Garden. After a very nice lunch we continued our time of sharing right to their rental and then they were gone. What a blissful time it is when you get to relax with genuine friends. These are wonderful people with deep faith, strong convictions, enormous talent and abiding friendships. It was a great time!
Feeling a bit melancholy I drove back to Discovery Bay to continue to work on appraisals. Later in the day Nikki called to see if I could help with Keanna who needed a quick ride to her dance class in Brentwood. Since meds awaited me in Brentwood I quickly agreed and enjoyed our drive as she filled me in on the field trip to Micke Grove Zoo with her class and her mother who took the day off. After seeing her safely into the dance studio where dozens of little dancers were milling about in the hallway I drove over over to Longs, now CVS and picked up 3 of the 4 meds I expected. Then it was back to the pizza parlour to pick up the $5 pizza special for Ray and Lois. We enjoyed the good food. Then it was back to the house for some serious attention to clutter that has grown in my bedroom and a bit of trash collection. In the morning I'll do even more to get ready for the GUESTS, Jerry, Donna, Cindy and Suzie. We will have some fun tomorrow night!
I just fed the fish and you can almost see them skitter about in their freshly updated water. The 4 snails I purchased are really going to town on the algae too. Some efforts do pay off rapidly. This evening I've had a chance to talk to my close friends and had a call from out of the blue which was rewarding. A 31 year old lady to has worked in loans for some time is moving to a new company soon and was offered her choice of appraisers. She remembered that at our company we always went out of our way to do the right thing, to listen, to respond and so she wanted to know if I minded her referring me to her new loan bank, well actually I think its a great idea but it was nice to be remembered as someone who cares and has done good work.
Now its past time to be asleep. One would think that it was like the impossible dream to actually be in bed before 10 pm. No matter how much I plan and try its always 11 and getting up at 6:15 makes for a night that is too short.
So I send my love to each of you this evening and I'm relishing the short term memories of time spent with Roger and Carol today.



1 comment:

Bob and Carrol. said...

Good Morning Tim,

We too enjoyed a visit time with the Peden's after Your Lunch date with them. They stopped by Our Home in Lodi and We all shared what has been going on for each of Us the past months since We last saw them. They are indeed very Special Friends and We cherish the Memories of Musical Times spent with them. Seems like so long ago but the Memories are so vivid in our minds. Some day We will all be able to unite our voices(Nan too!) again in harmony with the Angels. Won't that be a Grand Day !

We are off to Jackson this afternoon for Dinner & a Movie at the Rancheria Hotel. This Month's Movie is "American Graffitti" , filmed in Modesto back in the 60's, Good film with "Opie" in the lead role.

Have a good day and stay safe on the busy Highways.

Love You,

Bob & Carrol.