Sunday, June 21, 2009

kidos are amazing

Dear Friends and Family,

A little after noon Nikki called today to invite me to join them for a late lunch at the new Byron Inn in the Safeway Shopping Center. We have always loved the Byron Inn on the way to Tracy and know some of the people that run the place. Well now they have opened a second place and it has the same good food and friendly staff.

What fun to watch Kallie work her way through her meal with food flying, some actually making it into her mouth and Keanna full of fun comments. They were on their way to the city but only got as far as Tildon Park above Berkeley. Nikki says they got to take both girls on a merrygo round and had a blast together as a family. I'm sure Steve is delighted that Nikki has come home so they can share the duties of parenthood. Kallie now has 8 teeth and is using them all as she munches her way through just about anything put in front of her.

I decided to fill the spa and get it going this morning. Well it is full but the heater won't work at all, not sure what happened but no heat. It is not too fun to sit in at 66 degrees.

I worked some, napped some and mostly wasted the day. I did get to talk to Jason and Jo a couple times and Timothy is starting to improve now gradually. He has been one sick little guy and next weekend is his birthday party before they all fly to Denver for a few days.

I hope you had a great Fathers day. While the importance of fathers pales in comparison to that of mothers we still have our place and while I wish I could go back and correct my egregious mistakes I'm so proud of my children and their children.

So for now I wish you all a good night.


ps Keanna took the photo of Kallie

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